Page 81 of 183 Reasons

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“I can. These waters have haunted me for the past year, but I never gave it a thought. You were my only focus—nothing else mattered. In a moment of so much chaos, I’ve never experienced such clarity. You are all I want, all I need. Everything else in my life comes second and is better because of you. I can love this place again because I’ve completely fallen in love with you.”

“Oh, Jackson.” She crawls back onto my lap and holds me. “I’ve tried so hard to push you out of my mind, but from the moment I met you, my head wasn’t going to win. You had my heart without my head’s permission. I’ve given my heart hundreds of reasons why I needed to let you go, but I can’t.”

I hold her close, hoping I’ll never have to live without her. “Let me get you back to shore. Shannon is probably wondering where the hell I went.” I lift her onto the seat and hold her chin. “Everything is going to be OK. Whatever happens, I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

“What about your father? What about New York? What if I lose the cabin?”

“Solia, look at me,” I say, kneeling in front of her and taking her soft, loving hands into mine. “I’m not going anywhere. We can figure everything else out. I’m yours, assuming you want me?”

“That would be a hundred percent yes.” She leans forward and kisses me with gentleness and love. “Let’s go.”

I drive without causing a wake to the mouth of the channel, realizing how much I’ve missed this water. And because of Solia, I can now let that love grow again.

As we turn through the channel, more than a few people are waiting at the marina. The closer we come to the docks, the bigger the mob grows. At first sight of us, people shout, wave, and yell out. The only people I see at first are Shannon and Gerry at the front of the crowd, nearing the boat as I pull in. Their faces relax.

I throw the buoys overboard and Gerry grabs the ropes midair. I smile at Shannon, reassuring her. “You found her. Thank god,” I hear her say.

“Sure did.” With the boat secured, I jet to the spot where Solia is sitting and carefully lift her from the cushion.

“It’s OK, Jackson. I’m good, I promise. I can get out.”

I set her on her feet and she steps onto the cushion, accepting Gerry’s extended hand. With her solidly on the dock, I jump out of the boat and wrap my arm around her waist. Likely sensing we need space, people move back into the dirt parking lot and continue to watch from afar.

“What the hell happened?” Shannon asks. “One minute you are at the meeting and the next, you aren’t. I didn’t know where you ran off to. It wasn’t until Gerry said Solia must be in trouble, and the only thing he could think of was paddleboarding.”

“Leave it to Gerry,” Solia says, giggling. She hugs Gerry. “Thank you.”

“I remember you saying the one thing you enjoy best is boarding around the lake. Given Jackson’s reaction, I put two and two together. I’m glad nothing happened out here.”

“That makes two of us,” says a voice from behind Shannon. Her eyebrows rise, her mouth half open.

Standing directly behind her is Nick Ford.

What the actual fuck? Who does this guy think he is showing his face here?

Shannon clenches her jaw and her face reddens. She looks at me in warning.

Solia wraps her arms around my waist. “Let’s get you home,” I say.

Looking at Shannon, then dead-eyeing Nick, I tilt my head to the crowd. “I am so sorry if I worried or scared anyone by leaving abruptly. Thankfully, she’s OK.” I kiss the top of Solia’s head. “I assume the meeting is still going on? I need to get Solia to her cabin. Everyone must want to get back to business. Thank you for checking on us.”

A man I can’t see speaks with authority from the back. “Jackson, this is what small towns do. You know that, boy. The look on your face when you ran out of town hall said nothing but pure panic. We were right behind you.”

“Thank you,” Solia says, surprising even me. “I’m thankful Jackson found me. But I am sorry it took you away from the meeting. I know how important this is.”

“Actually, kids, there isn’t much to discuss after all,” Gerry says. “These suits are going to pack their bags. Come on, let’s get her home, and I’ll fill you in on the details.”

Solia’s mouth drops, and I wonder if my ears are clogged with water.

Turning to Shannon, I see Nick the Prick hasn’t moved an inch. I can’t resist; I whisper into Solia’s ear, “I’ll be right back.”

Walking next to Shannon but not in earshot of the others, I ask, “What the hell is going on?” I look from Shannon to Nick and back to Shannon. “The wind farm? The reason this asshole is behind you?”

“Whoa, Jackson, chill out. First, there are a lot of details, and second, Nick came to make sure everything was all right here.”

“He came to make sure everything was all right? Do you hear yourself? This guy, along with the rest of his homies, was ready to destroy this town, and you think he’s here to make sure everything is OK?”

“Jackson, not now.”
