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“Who is, little bro? Who is?” I asked leaving the pair behind.

With Armand back at the party circulating with the guests, I began looking for openings to leave. But what became more and more disturbing was that my fiancé had yet to make her appearance. This couldn’t be good. There was no denying how much Eris liked making an entrance, but it had been over an hour since she saw me talking to Dillon. I had to believe that her absence wasn’t a coincidence.

“So, where is my daughter?” Armand asked me when he found me alone.

I stared into his eyes needing to figure out what he knew. Had Eris told him what she had seen? Were there already men looking for Dillon to end his life? I was about to call the whole plan off when down the stairs walked a sight for sore eyes.

“She’s right there,” I told Armand turning his attention to Eris.

When everyone’s attention had turned, I clapped drawing everyone’s applause. Eris stopped, blushed, and waved to everyone.

“My fiancé,” she said gesturing towards me.

When everyone’s eyes were on me, I approached the stairs and took Eris’s hand. The crowd continued to applaud. The only one who wasn’t was Cali.

How many drinks had he had at this point? I had lost count at five. This was not good, but I could only deal with one problem at a time.

Holding Eris’s hand, I led her into the crowd. Looking back at her, she refused to look at me. Yep, she had recognized Dillon. There was no doubt about it. The only question now was when this powder keg was going to explode.

Engaging with a mixture of local politicians and Armand’s high-level enforcers, I left Eris working my way to Hil, Cali, and my mother.

“I think we have a problem,” I said under my breath to Hil and Cali.

“I think you have a problem,” Cali said no longer sober.

“Is it that a hillbilly is banging my brother?” I snapped back.

“Fuck you with that hillbilly stuff,” Cali said drawing the attention of the people around us.

“Cali, you’re a little loud,” I said clutching his shoulder to make the conversation between us.

“Don’t fuckin’ touch me,” he said sweeping my hand away. “You always think you can say whatever you want, do whatever you want. Well, I’m tired of it,” he bellowed practically yelling.

“Calm down, Cali!” I insisted feeling everyone’s eyes turn to us.

“Why? Because you say so. Then let me tell you what I say. I say that if you call me hillbilly one more time, we’re gonna have a problem, right here, right now.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I looked at Hil amused. Immediately my brother knew what was coming next.

“Don’t do it, Remy,” Hil pleaded.

I turned to Cali ready. Violently poking his chest I said, “Listen here you inbred, banjo plucking hillbilly…”

That was when Cali snapped. Grabbing me like he thought he had a chance against me, I slipped my hand under his chin threatening to crack him open like a Pez dispenser. The two of us struggled back and forth until Lucien rushed over and broke us up.

As I waited for my chance to land my fist on Cali’s jaw, Armand approached.

“Is there a problem here?” He said clearly pissed that we were fighting on his daughter’s big day.

“Is there a problem?” Cali said turning to Armand. “Yeah, there’s a fuckin’ problem.”

“Don’t mind him. He’s just drunk,” Hil said putting himself between Cali and Armand.

Cali immediately swept Hil out of the way and got face-to-face with Armand. “You want to know what the fuckin’ problem is?”

“I will warn you to watch what you say next.”

“Cali!” Hil bellowed.
