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“Okay,” Hunter said happily and jogged out of the room on little legs, carrying his easter egg.

Logan sat at the table opposite Shane, and Gabby took the seat beside him. They waited in charged silence while Faith made drinks and served them. Then she sat next to Shane and propped her chin on her palm, her eyes twinkling.

“What’s going on?” Shane asked.

Gabby straightened her back and raised her chin. Logan felt a burst of pride at her strength. Crazy, when it had nothing to do with him. “Logan and I have something to tell you.”

Logan held his breath, terrified that her next words would spell the end of his friendship with Shane.

“Are you dating?” Faith blurted out.

“No,” Gabby said, so quickly it felt like a slap. She wasn’t wrong. They weren’t dating. But did she have to be so eager to shut off any mention of that possibility? It hurt more than he’d like to admit that she clearly knew he wasn’t good enough for her.

“We’re pregnant,” Gabby continued.

Silence dropped like a bomb between them. Logan heard a clock tick. Shane made a quick intake of breath. Faith’s eyes widened. The clock ticked again.

“You’rewhat?” Shane demanded, staring at Gabby as though she’d just announced her intention to become a traveling circus performer.

Her posture grew even stiffer. “I’m pregnant, and Logan is the father.”

“But… what?” Shane looked lost.

Faith glanced from Logan to Gabby. “So, you’re having a baby, but not dating?”

“That’s right,” Gabby said, reaching for his hand under the table. He intertwined his fingers with hers and squeezed.

Shane jolted upright and launched himself across the table.

Logan shoved his chair backward and let go of Gabby’s hand, trying to get out of the way. Drinks spilled, and he hit the floor as he tripped over his own feet. The landing knocked the air from his chest and he struggled to haul in a breath. Shane didn’t land on top of him, which was fortunate, but a moment later he loomed above, glaring down at him.

“You seduced my sister and got her pregnant, but you don’t even want to date her?” He sounded furious. Logan had never heard him like this.


“Shane!” Gabby grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Her eyes were flashing furiously. Absolutely stunning. Logan staggered to his feet while Shane was distracted and stood at Gabby’s side for moral support. “Logan didnotseduce me.”

I kind of did, he thought, recalling the way he’d approached her after that failed date. He should have resisted that magnetic draw he felt toward her, but he’d intentionally pushed her buttons and hoped they’d end up in bed.

“I’m not some virginal miss from a Regency romance novel.” Gabby squared her shoulders. “We had sex. It was mutually enjoyable. But obviously, the condom didn’t work properly and here we are.”

“Here we are,” Faith repeated faintly. Logan glanced at her. She didn’t look as upset as Shane did. She wrapped her arm around Shane’s waist and kissed his cheek. His glower softened temporarily but then reappeared as he focused on Logan.

“You’re going to be an uncle, sugar,” Faith said. “Isn’t that exciting?”

He blinked rapidly, and his forehead furrowed. Shane loved kids, and that love must be battling with the anger burning inside him.

“Was this a one-time thing?” Faith asked. “How far along are you?”

Logan met Gabby’s eyes, silently communicating with her. They’d decided to be completely open about their history so there wouldn’t be any more lies between them and their families, even if it meant going through some uncomfortable moments.

“We’ve been together several times over the last few years,” Logan said.

Shane paled.

“I’m three months along,” Gabby added. “Give or take a couple of weeks.”

Shane pointed at Logan. “This has been going on behind my back for years?”
