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When the nurse gave her the all-clear to leave, instead of going straight back home, she wandered down the main street and looked through the shop windows. She stopped outside one called The Stork. Beautiful cribs that had to be hand-carved were displayed in the window, with lush blankets in pastel colors. Further back in the shop, she could see rows of baby clothes.

Before she knew what she was doing, she found herself standing inside the shop, staring at the tiny outfits. There were so many, and they were all completely darling. She ran her hand down a onesie, marveling at the softness of the fabric. She spotted one with a pink tool belt print around the waist and laughed.


She spun around, and her jaw dropped at the sight of the man in front of her. Blue eyes twinkled out of his suntanned face, with tiny crinkles at the edges from smiling. He treated her to a glimpse of his perfect teeth and smoothed a rogue curl on the top of his wavy brown hair. But that wasn’t the best part. He was hand-in-hand with a miniature version of himself, whose hair was more blond than brown, and who was gazing up at her with the most intense blue eyes. Utterly adorable.

“Hi.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Am I in your way?”

His eyes widened. “No. Sorry. I just wanted to say hello. This is a small town and we haven’t met before, so I wondered if you’re new to the area.”

“I’m just here running errands,” she said. “I live in Haven Bay. I moved there a few months ago.”

“Oh, right.” Was it just her, or had his smile dimmed slightly? He offered his hand. “I’m Tristan, and this is Ollie.”

She shook his hand. “Gabrielle, but you can call me Gabby.” She bent to the boy’s level. “It’s nice to meet you, Ollie.”

“You’re pwetty,” he said, staring at her with open curiosity but also a degree of caution. Maybe he was a shy kid.

“Thank you.” Perhaps a three-year-old wasn’t the type of man she’d wanted to tell her so, but he was unbelievably cute, and she knew she looked pasty and tired so she’d take what she could get. She straightened. “You must live around here then?”

Tristan nodded. “On the cliffs overlooking the harbor, but I work out of town.”

She glanced at Ollie. “Not today, though?”

“No, it’s one of my off days, and Ollie’s best friend is getting a new cousin sometime this week, so we’re looking for a gift.”

“How exciting!” Gabby loved babies. “A boy or a girl?”

“We’re not sure. The parents want it to be a surprise.” He smiled, showing those white teeth again. “Who are you shopping for?”

Gabby’s hand immediately went to her stomach. Understanding dawned on Tristan’s face.

“Congratulations. Is this your first?”

“Yeah.” She nibbled her lower lip. “Is it that obvious?”

“No. I was just assuming that if you had others, they’d be with you. Although I suppose they could be in school.”

She laughed. “No others. In fact, this little guy or girl wasn’t planned, and I’m still not sure how I feel about it.”

She pressed her lips together. She could hardly believe she’d just admitted that. What had possessed her to open up to a complete stranger?

His expression softened. “Trust me, even if it doesn’t feel like it now, they’ll be the biggest blessing you ever have.”

Gabby warmed inside, some of the scared voices in her head quieting. “Thank you. I needed to hear that. It’s scary, the idea of doing it by myself.”

He frowned. “The dad isn’t in the picture?”

“We’re not together.” She forced herself to sound nonchalant. “I’m not sure how involved he’ll be.”

He reached into his pocket with his free hand and brought out his phone. “Why don’t we swap numbers? I’d be happy to chat, or to listen if you need to talk.”

Gabby frowned. “That’s so kind of you. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why would you make that offer to someone you just met?”

One side of his mouth hitched up. “I’ve been a single parent for half Ollie’s life. Any doubts or questions you have, I’ve probably been there. I wished I had someone to talk to, so I’m happy to be your sounding board.”

“Thank you.” Gabby’s heart lifted. Perhaps everything was going to be okay. Although she still had to break the news to Logan…
