Page 25 of Cauldrons & Curses

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We both nod.


“Nova,” Nate answers him this time but looking at me. “How did you know to do that?”

“Deliverance showed me. I saw her, could hear her, as clearly as if she were Don. She told me where to go and how to use the power we make between us. I couldn’t have done it without you. Without you sharing your magic.”

"She woke me and told me to go to you when you left the room. And don't you ever do something like that again." He pulls me in tight as rain streams down our faces and our eyes speak for us.

“I love you, Nate.”

“I love you too, my star. Marry me? Make me the partner you take with you through life?”



“Yes, yes, yes. I’ll marry you. I’ll stay on Stone Island with you and help watch over the town and love you for the rest of my days…my sexy witch.”

“I may be the witch but it’s you who put a spell on me the moment I laid eyes on you. You bewitched my heart, and it will never be my own again.”

We pull one another close and share a deep, slow kiss as we seal our pact made of love and hope even as the EMTs are trying to determine out how badly Nate has been hurt. I look up for a second at the shimmering image of a dark-haired woman standing at the edge of the woods looking at both of us. Her smile is the same one as the woman painted in the portrait hanging in Nate’s house. Her eyes twinkle as she looks at me and Nate holding tight to one another and then gives me a saucy wink before slowly fading in the rain and mist.

“Did I just…? You know what, I’m not asking questions. I saw a man killed because he was hit by lightning tonight. I’m not questioning a damn thing.” Dan plops his hat back on his head and keeps shaking his head. “And by the way, Nova…welcome to Stone Island.”

I can’t fight the smile pulling at my lips as I meet Nate’s eyes. He doesn’t have to ask who was standing watching us in the rain. We both know who it was and that she will always be with us when her family needs her just like our family will always be here when the island needs us. An ever-enduring circle of life explained best by the branches and roots of a tree standing proud and continuous as life carries on.

Epilogue I


Two Weeks Later

Halloween Night


I’m so excited! It’s finally Halloween on Stone Island and everyone is out and about. I’m already working on having a big party at Magnus House next year. I watch as a group of kids run through the street that’s been closed to traffic on their way to the petting zoo that's been set up in several of the stores' parking lots. Another group of children rushes to the apple bobbing station where Ruth is setting up another barrel of apples for more children to enjoy.

Even though the weather is on the cooler side it seems everyone has come out. And in the middle of it all is my Nate. Handsome, confident, and dressed in a sweater and blue jeans. No one makes a sweater look sexier than Nate Magnus. I make my way over to where he is talking with Don. He sees me coming and stops speaking, holding his hands out for me to take.

“Here’s my sweet woman now.” He pulls me into him and I come willingly, lifting my face for a much-anticipated kiss.

“Hello, Mr. Magnus.” I wrap my arms around him.

“Hello soon-to-be-Mrs. Magnus.”

Don makes a small noise halfway between a fake gag and a chuckle, “You two are a walking romance novel.”

“Oh Don, one day you’ll find your Mrs. Sheriff and then we’ll get to make fun of how crazy for her you are.” I give the Sheriff a wink and he grimaces.

“Do not be putting that curse on me, Nova. I ain’t got time for romance.”

I notice a crowd gathering and wonder if they are here to see my man make some magic. Sometimes on Halloween, he’ll do quick little flashes of magic to make the town happy. But then a familiar face catches my eye in the crowd.

“Mom?” She waves before making her way over to us. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I came for the celebration, of course.”
