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“I think that we have covered everything. Let me show you both out,” Geralt smiles before turning to Chelsea. “Would you mind going to that café around the corner and getting me the usual BLT sub, please?”

“Of course,” she replies before looking at Drew and me. “It was a pleasure to meet you. I’m sure we will speak again soon.” She holds out her hand, and we both shake it.

“It was a pleasure to meet you too, Chelsea,” we reply simultaneously. She gives us one last smile before leaving the room.

As soon as the door is closed behind her, I turn my attention to Geralt, watching the screens as Chelsea walks away from the office and towards the elevators.

“How much does she know?” I ask leaning against the desk behind me.

“Everything legal, nothing that’s not,” he answers before looking from the screen to me and Drew. “I want to keep it that way.”

I nod, understanding completely. I’ve been in this game long enough to know the importance of keeping my mouth shut.

“Just so you know, I will always protect the O’Reilly’s, but that does not mean I will discuss anything with them I’m not meant to.”

Geralt nods, giving me a small smile.

“I wouldn’t expect it any other way. The O’Reilly’s trust you completely, and that is enough for me.” Geralt makes sure to look at Drew as well as me, letting us both know he trusts us but not to do anything to jeopardise that.

Deciding now is probably the best time to end the meeting, I stand up straight and shake Geralt's hand; Drew quickly follows suit.

“I look forward to your tech guy coming in and having a look at the system. I want to know it hasn’t been compromised.” He’s been on edge since the whole Taylor incident, and I can’t blame him.

Geralt walks us to the front of the building and bids us farewell before heading back inside, no doubt up to his office. Drew and I head to the parking lot where we parked earlier, discussing everything we must do for the rest of the day. It doesn’t take long for the conversation to turn to Chelsea.

“So, his PA is a bit yummy,” Drew smirks next to me. I roll my eyes as I unlock the driver's side door.

“Hands off, we don’t date people we work for,” I point out whilst sliding in behind the wheel.

“But technically, we don’t work for her. We work for her boss,” Drew points out, still smiling.

“She’s still off limits,” I tell him, as much as myself. Damn it, why does she need to be off-limits? She is intelligent, funny, professional, beautiful and everything I’m looking for in a date for these events. Typical, I meet someone, and I can’t date them. Fuck my life.



I walk into the lounge where Penny sits with her legs underneath herself and an empty wine glass in her hand.

“I hope you realise we are staying tonight,” she declares with a wink. I roll my eyes as I fill up her glass.

“I figured that when you walked through the door with two bottles of wine and a bag.”

“Well, we had to celebrate your promotion somehow, and since we have been promising the girls a sleepover for weeks, I figured it was the perfect timing.”

“Even if it is a school night?” I point out, but Penny shrugs.

My daughter Luna and Penny's daughter Kylie are in the same class in school and are close friends. They love nothing more than spending time together and having sleepovers, which is fine by us as it gives us a reason to have a night of wine and put the world to rights.

I first met Penny three months before I started the job as Mr Young's PA’s assistant. Penny had seen the position become available and persuaded me to apply. I thought I had no chance of being successful, but somehow, I got the job. I’m older than most of the staff who work for Mr Young. At forty-two years of age, I figured my chances of being in top roles were low as they are looking for people who weren’t single, middle-aged mums, but here I am, getting a fantastic promotion.

“How did your day go as Mr Young's new PA?” Penny asks, taking a sip of her wine and grinning at me.

“I’ve been acting as his PA for three weeks, so it wasn’t a completely new experience,” I sigh, tucking my legs underneath me as I make myself comfortable.

“But it was the first time you’ve officially been in the role.” Penny leans forward, smirking and I know what’s coming next. “How was the meeting with the new security company?”

“Fine,” I reply, sipping my wine.
