Page 36 of Jade

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Rilwan and the guard both arrive. I turn to the guard “Why did you turn Ms Bankole away?” I asked harshly.

“She didn’t have any appointments and she asked to see you after I told her Miss Darabi wasn’t home.” He knows he has messed up.

“Did she say anything else?”

“She asked to speak with one of your nurses and I refused because she didn’t have an appointment.”

“Why again did you refuse without checking with the nurse or myself.” He’s quiet but I know why.

He’d sized her up and thought she wasn’t fit to come in since she didn’t arrive in fancy car or clothes. I know it, I see it on Jade’s face though she doesn’t say anything. That’s why she is going to leave and call me when she gets home. One of the many invisible walls about us, I must crush.

I rise and take my time to get close to him, then stare him down. He looks away from my stare “Look at me” he turns to me “Next time you turn Ms Bankole away. I can assure you it will be the last time you have a job in this country.” He nods. “I know what you did, she didn’t say it, but I know so let me inform you right now, she’s very important to me and if she’s rejected at the gate again even when you are not there, you will bear the consequence, so if I were you. You would inform all your colleagues not to ever turn Ms Bankole away, is that clear.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You are not fired today because Ms Bankole would not like it. Consider yourself lucky to have received her kindness, though you didn’t deserve it, now get out!”

“Thank you, your highness.” He leaves. Once he’s out of earshot.

“What did he do that I missed?” Rilwan asked.

“He sized Jade up and didn’t think she was worthy, that’s why he turned her away without checking. He could have called the nurses to ask but he didn’t. I bet you if we check, he’s probably the one that lets Nadra waltz in here.”

“How did you know he did that?”

“Jade’s look when she told me. I could tell there was more. That was why she was going to leave and call me when got home, not while she was outside.”

“Whoa, I swear I didn’t notice anything.”

“Jade is very good at hiding her feelings. She probably smiled and you thought she was fine.” He nods “Trust me she wasn’t.”

“You are right because he didn’t try to say differently.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t notice that.”

“Don’t worry about it. Even my dad isn’t rooting for her.”

“What’s your plan with her?” his question makes me chuckle.

“I don’t know yet, but I do know I want her next to me. I also know that any plans I have will have to wait till she’s done with college. She won’t derail that for anyone. Right now, we need to deal with James.”

“I would think you wanting her, will be something that she will jump at.” I chuckled again.

“Other women maybe, but not Jade. She already told me she can’t be a queen.”

“That means, there’s no future for you guys then, since you’re likely to be a King.”

“I’ll marry her someday; I just won’t be a king.” I shocked Rilwan. Something rare with Rilwan. He’s not even trying to hide how stunned he is by my confession.

“You don’t mean that.”

“Yes, I will give up the crown for her, you all don’t see it. I’m alive because of her and she got me out of sick bed. I’ll give her time to mature so she can see we belong together. I’m playing the long game which is measured in months and years. Patience is a virtue, I lack. With her, its virtue, I must embrace.”

“Your father isn’t going to like hearing that you plan to give up the crown.”

“My father will come around,” I respond though I doubt it, I intend to change his mind. We still have a long way to go. He’ll come around.

“I think you are underestimating how much your father wants you to be King.”
