Page 27 of Jade

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We hear a soft knock on the door. I instinctively pull away from him. He returns to the bed, and says, “Come in.” The nurse comes in with his food. She sets his food down, then turns to me.

“Will you be eating with him, Ms. Mariam?”

“No, I’m leaving soon. Taimani and I have some work to get done.”

“Okay then,” the Nurse leaves.

“When did you start working with Taimani?” He asks.

“She needs my help, and I’ve promised to help her.”

“Okay, do you want to help her while I eat, then return after you two are done?”

“It might be late. My aunty needs my help tonight. She’s traveling to Lagos soon, that’s why I went shopping yesterday.”

“Jade, what’s going on? Why are you avoiding me? I thought you accepted my apology?”

“I’m not avoiding you. I just have a lot to do right now,” I lie. Of course, I’m avoiding him. His girlfriend slapped me. Taimani had happily downloaded Naseer and Nadra’s history to me when I casually asked about Princess Nadra.I may forgive, but I’ll never forget what she did and how she made me feel.

"Jade, you always have a lot to do, but you never let that stop you from sharing about your day. But today, you're not speaking," he remarked as he rose from the bed using his crutch.Dude, you are moving faster than my brain with this crutch.

“Fine! I’m still hurt! Your girlfriend slapped me! She reminded me of my place. My parents never raised a hand to me, and she slapped me because I was excited to dance with you. I don’t think I should spend any more time with you. It’s not healthy or safe for me. I need to stay in my lane. You are not in that lane! James is in that lane, and he likes me. The focus of my attention needs to be on a safe environment, away from any potential physical abuse or being threatened for speaking! And you just expect me to do your bidding and let you walk all over me; sorryNOcan do!” I’m panting after my outburst. I know I’m blowing hot and cold. One minute I’m kissing him like my life depends on it and the next I’m shouting at him, telling him I want James.

“I’m sorry, Jade. I’ve warned her never to speak to you again or come near you. Don’t take her jealous reaction out on us. I need you, Jade. You give me hope and I appreciate you, so don’t let her get between us. Can you do that?” He’s pleading. Commanding is more his style, but he’s pleading with me right now.

“I’ll try.”

“Try. I’ll await your return before I eat.” I want to tell him not to wait, but I don’t know how to handle this situation. “Kiss me, Jade,” he says, surprising me and moving closer to me. I want to move back, but my hot mind is drawn to him. Though my cold mind wants my legs to move in a different direction, my hot mind wins. He seizes the moment to kiss me before I can truly process the ask or my action.

This kiss is coloring my mind. It’s telling my subconscious to store this because it’s real and the color is bright enough to keep me wrapped in a cloak of passion. A knock makes me pull back from him.

He looks at me in a way I can’t explain but it’s tender. “Go to Taimani, I’ll wait for your return.” I briskly left the room. I let out my stuffed breath as soon as I passed the nurses. I comport myself and head to Taimani’s room.

Once in her room, we talked about the day and got down to helping her with the assignment. It’s late when I return to say goodnight. Naseer puts away his food and replaces it with a Thai dish I like. I smile when I see it.

“I thought you had something different?” I ask, a little surprised.

“I did but I want to eat with you, so I ordered this while you were with Taimani.”

“Thank you.” I sit and eat with him. We are soon laughing and talking through the movies again. My phone rings. “It’s my aunt. Hello?”

“Jade, when are you coming home?”

“I’ll be on my way.” I hang up with my aunt and turn to Naseer.

“I have to get going. My aunty is worried.”

“I’ll have Rilwan drop you at home.”

“Thanks.” I rise, and he gets up too. I grab my bag to leave, and he pulls me to him, kissing me like he needs to remind me we are in the same lane. I break from the kiss and say good night. I went from having no boyfriend to having two gorgeous guys kissing me at every chance. It’s mind fucking blowing and confusing.

I seriously need a minute away from both. I rode in silence to my house. My aunty was waiting. I know she’s worried about my relationship with Naseer, though she won’t say anything. I saw the excitement in her face when I told her James asked me to the dance and the next date with James was all pleasantly welcome, but Naseer always makes her quiet. Doesn’t help that Mr. Darabi had threatened her, like it was normal business activity to threaten her with job loss if they didn’t comply with pleasing his child. Naseer called my uncle to apologize but there are just some things you can’t take back.

I thank Rilwan when he pulls in front of my house.

“Sorry I’m late, Aunty.”

“Glad you are back. I have helped you pack your things. The best ticket I could find means you have to leave two days before school is over. I will speak with your teachers. I want you to turn in all your work before the end of the week and start getting ready to leave.” I smile.
