Page 17 of Jade

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“You can keep her close to you but please try not bully your way through everything with her if you can manage that” He snickers “You’ll need to let her come to you on her own, I think the only way is, not sharing your intention with her until she’s matured enough. I know this will be hard, but at some point, you’ve got to let her go and wait for her to return to you.”

“I can’t let her go,” I say exasperatedly.

“You can keep her close for now, spend time with her, but when she leaves for college, which I’m guessing she will soon. You must let her experience college without you.”

“At what point will she return to me if I do as you say and let her leave for college? I doubt she would return to me.”

“If she doesn’t return, then she was never yours to begin with.”

“She is mine. I know it,” I snapped.

“Then you have nothing to worry about.” He replies unmoved by my snap.

“And if she forgets about me, what then?” I ask in calm tone.

“Like I said, she wasn’t yours to begin with.”

“And, like I said, she is mine. I will find a way to make her see it.”

“Just how do you plan to do that?”

“I can’t stop her from going to college but will stay close to her life. I honestly think that what you’re telling me to do, let her go so she can return to me is BS, I’m not going to let her go. I know she’s unique, and I know the mold she came from was burned after creating her, so there’s no duplicate. It would be stupid of me to let her go and wait for her to return, thinking it’s chivalrous. Thanks, but no way am I letting her go.”

“What happens if you stay close, and she still chooses another man.” The thought of that puts a stamp on my whole being.

“She won’t, I won’t give another guy a chance to get close.”

“Well, I guess you didn’t need me. But you need to slow down though. Otherwise, this girl might turn you down if you push too hard.”

“I did. You helped me with the plan.” I smirk.

“If you say so, though, I doubt I did anything. You had your mind all made up before I came in. You just needed it voiced.”

“Whatever, man. How’s life on your end?” I ask. I notice his demeanor changes. He leans back in the chair.’

“I’m going to theological school; I want to be a pastor.”

“You are kidding right.” I laugh.

“Nope, after what happened to you. I prayed for you to live and following the path of pastoral ministry is what I promised to do if you lived.”

“Don't feel obligated to become a pastor because your prayers were answered, and I'm fine.

“I do and I’m happy with the path. Trust me Naseer, you and the guys need me to go this route, we will all meet somewhere in the middle.”

“So, I can’t change your mind.”

“Nope, it’s a done deal.”

“Okay, then. Hurry up and graduate so you can marry Jade and me.”

“Slow down, hot shot. You need to date her first and she needs to agree to marry you.”

“She will. I just need to play my cards right.”

“I need to meet this girl because the Naseer I know was going to be a lifelong bachelor.”

“Pastor or not, you are not meeting her.”
