Page 36 of Embers in the Snow

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“Why do you think we came after you?” Kastel leans forward, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I cannotbelievefather did this to you, Finley. This grand building project of his has driven him mad.”

I resist the urge to shake my head.No, Kastel. He’s always been this way with me. You were just too young to see it.“You shouldn’t have come here,” I say instead, my anger rising. “What were youthinking?For the three of you to come to Tyron alone? You could have been killed!”

“Youwould have been killed, Fin,” Kastel shoots back, his expression darkening. “Or worse. Look what happened to our people back there. Your escorts. Men that have served under father for years and years. All dead. If he knew you were coming, that fucking archduke should have sent an escort to meet you at the border. We just don’t have those kinds of resources.”

Guilt and sorrow hit me like a crossbow bolt through the chest.

They’re all dead.

I should be amongst them.

Behind us, a man clears his throat.

My gaze snaps toward the other side of the room, where the heavy wooden doors are open.

A figure stands in the doorway, hands folded behind his back, a cryptic almost-smile on his lips. He’s tall and slender, with golden hair and blue eyes and elegant features that stop just short of being effeminate.

What is with these Tyronese men and their long hair?

“Pardon my intrusion,” the man says calmly. “My name is Vinciel Sacrosan. I am Edinvar’s head physician. Thefucking archdukehas ordered me to update you on your brother’s condition. He has been treated for his injuries and is currently stable. The hepatic trauma was severe and certainly life-threatening. Fortunately, I was able to initiate a treatment that induces rapid healing.”

“In plain language, please, Sir.” My brother’s forehead furrows with worry.

“He’ll live.”

Kastel’s expression is ridiculous; caught somewhere between astonishment and relief.

He’ll live.

I close my eyes and let out a deep, shuddering sigh. All the anger and tension flow out of me.

Aderick will live. My foolhardy, reckless kid brother, who is yet to learn how the world truly works…

He’ll live.

A pang of guilt creeps into my heart. “Will there be any permanent damage?”

“Unlikely. He’s young. He’ll heal well. As long as he spends the next several weeks recuperating—with proper bedrest—he should make a full recovery. But he is not to exert himself in any way until I give the all-clear.”

“I understand. I’ll make sure he follows your instructions to the letter.”

“I’m sure you will.” Vinciel Sacrosan gives me a strange look. I can’t decipher his expression in the slightest.

I blink.

Did I hear correctly before?

Just before… did he say… fucking archduke?

I must be dreaming, because the physician looks like butter wouldn’t even melt in his mouth. His gaze is cool and analytical. He’s urbane and polished. “My lady, I am informed that there may have been a certain incident during your travels. His Highness has asked that I check you over.”

I stiffen.Incident?Does the physician know about the blood-drinking? “I-I’m fine.”

Vinciel won’t be swayed. “Nevertheless, I have my orders, and it’s never a good idea to disregard Archduke Duthriss’s will. It will not take long. I can examine you here, or in a private room. Whichever is your preference.”

I share a look with Kastel. “Here is fine.”

“As you wish.” He crosses the room, his movements graceful and elegant, reminding me of a cat. His clothing is simple but well tailored; the dark blue coat and white shirt look like they’ve been cut from the highest quality cloth.
