Page 161 of Embers in the Snow

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The wind whips around us.

Energy ripples through my body. It feels like sparks are dancing in my veins. I can barely hold myself together. I fear that if I lose my composure, the wild dryad magic will spill out of me in all directions, tying me down to the earth itself.

The trees sway in the wind, whispering their dark secrets to me.

Release our daughterfrom the prison of iron and stone, which reeks of corruption and decay. Release her. She must claim her dues. He must take it all.

And our child will come unto her own.

He must take it all? Are they talking abouthim?I steal a glance at Corvan, who is looking out across his lands. His expression is cold and distant, his face inhumanly flawless. He could be carved from marble right now. Since I met him, it’s almost as if… he’s changed a little. Becomemoreunearthly, less human. I suspect thatI’vecontributed to that change more than a little.

Not that I mind. Underneath it all, he’s still the same old Corvan, and his presence beside me is the most reassuring thing ever.

“Ready?” he says softly. He doesn’t need to say much more. He’s already explained it to me in detail—what to expect when we enter the Lukirian palace; the seat of all power in Rahava and the place where Corvan was raised. He’ll go straight to the emperor—his father.

It doesn’t matter if they try to stop him.

He’ll kill anyone that stands in his way.

The thought of it fills me with horror and dread, but I don’t dare hold him back. I know what’s at stake. I know what he’s been through.

I know whatIwant.

And Valdon Duthriss—Emperor of Rahava—isn’t exactly a saint himself.

Neither are the nobility of the Rahavan court.

In fact, they plunder, steal, and kill with surprising regularity.

My father included.

Steeling myself, I nod.

I’m ready.

With great tenderness, Corvan takes me into his arms, and I’m used to it by now; the feeling of weightlessness, of his immense and impossible strength. “I’m sorry, Finley. This is unorthodox, and rather infuriating, I’d imagine, but it’s by far the quickest way for us to move. Consider it an aerial tour of our beautiful country.”

“The calm before the storm,” I say softly. “I’ve never been to Lukiria, so I’m rather intrigued by it all. If it weren’t for the circumstances of our visit, I’d be quite excited.”

“Really? No matter the size of your family’s estate, you’re still a lady of the peerage. I can’t believe you were never afforded the opportunity to visit the capital.”

“You’vemetmy father.”

“Fair point.” His brow furrows in consternation. “I should have dismembered a limb, at least. Let me make it up to you. When I’ve brought the empire under control, I’ll take you on a personal tour of the capital and the surrounding regions. I know that place very well. It’s where I grew up, after all. I’m quite certain I can find a few spots that will take your breath away.”

I stare at him in mild disbelief. How is it possible that he can speak of dismembering my father and yet be so sweet within the same sentence?

You’ve already taken my breath away more than once, you know. You infuriating, magnificent man.

“I’ll be content with just the view for now,” I murmur, pressing into his unshakeable form; his familiar, comforting warmth. “When things have settled down, you can take me wherever you want.”

A tiny thrill courses through me as I imagine the possibility of a life without threat; with Corvan at the height of his powers and I, free from the shackles of my past.

Ruen Castle, which once felt so vast, suddenly feels very, very small.

“I’m sorry our first trip away from the castle has to be this, but I’ll make it up to you.” Corvan tightens his arms, making me feel safe against the cold and the whipping wind and the terrible unknown.

Then he leaps up onto the parapet, soundless and light, as if he’s floating in the air.
