Page 16 of Embers in the Snow

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Why did they lock me inside? Did they think I would run away?

In this place, in the middle of winter?

My father has to be a little insane.

All I know is that I need to get out of here before nightfall. The wolf-monsters left at the first hint of the rising sun. I have no doubt they’ll be back.

I need to get out of here.

As long as I follow the track through the woods, I should eventually reach some sort of civilization. I shouldn’t be too far from Tyron Castle by now. Surely, there would be a small village or homesteader’s hut along the way.


I kick again.


Again; harder this time, tapping into the anger I’ve stored inside.

Actually, amidst the shock and fear, I’mreallyangry.

But then I freeze mid-kick, because a faint sound reaches my ears.

At first, I think I’m imagining it, but it’s growing louder.


The sound of many horses, galloping at speed.

I hear the voices of men; stern, loud, unfamiliar. The horses slow down. They’re almost upon us.

I duck under the covers again.

Friend, or foe?

I don’t know yet. Better to be cautious. They could be outlaws. Brigands. Men who would hold me for ransom and slit my throat if my father didn’t pay.

Please. Be friendly.

“Look at this slaughter.” One of the men laughs. “What a bunch of idiots. Who the fuck travels through Tyron in winter at night with such a small and poorly equipped escort? There’s not even a crossbow or a war-axe between them.”

How callous. My heart sinks. These men aren’t friends at all.

“They look like Midlanders. Some minor noble’s soldiers, from the looks of it. Don’t expect to find much, but there might be a few gold on them. Hefgar, start going through their pockets and purses… what’s left of them, anyway.”

“Why doIalways have to do the dirty work?”

“Because you’re new around here, bastard. Get to work.”

I feel sick. They’re talking so casually about the dead… about the people that had been all around me only yesterday. The guards and the maid hadn’t been the nicest to me, but they were just following my father’s orders.

They didn’t deservethis.

I hear the sounds of several men dismounting. The horses nicker and snort nervously, probably catching the residual scent of the beasts from last night.

“What do you think’s in that carriage over there?”

