Page 155 of Embers in the Snow

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Tyron’s being attacked by monsters, and it’s entirely possible that my mother’s still alive, held against her will by those that seek to exploit her power.

Just as my father did.

Abruptly, I sit up, the sheets falling away from my body. Bright morning sunlight streams in through the windows. Outside, the sky is glorious, brilliant blue. One would never imagine that last night, undead hordes were at the gates, and I was being brutally abducted by Captain Kinnivar—a man possessed by strange and terrifying magic—and his robotic guards.

I came so close to…

I close my eyes and shake my head. It matters not. I’m here now, in Corvan’s chambers, and I’m safe.

I lift up the sheets and inhale deeply, imbibing traces of his delicious scent. It’s the most arousing thing. I can hardly believe it. That this man—this powerful, beautiful, magical creature, this walking contradiction of darkness and light—is mine and mine alone.

The fire in the hearth is dying. The winter chill mixes with the glorious warmth of the sunshine, which carries with it a hint of spring.

It’s only then that I notice something out of the corner of my eye. A thrill courses through me. The cold air raises goosebumps on my skin and tautens my nipples. My attention snaps toward the corner of the room, where the windows end and the thick stone walls begin; where the room is untouched by sunlight.

A soft chuckle escapes me. I’m almost giddy with delight.

Because he’s there, sitting in a high-backed, winged leather chair as if it were a throne, looking as regal as ever with his aristocratic alabaster features and his long white hair.

He’s dressed from neck to toe in black leather armor. It’s perfectly formed for his powerful body, making him appear both menacing and irresistible.

He exudes power, effortlessly as always.

A shiver of delight courses through me.


“How long have you been here, Corvan,watchingme?” I glare at him, feigning indignation.

A lazy smile spreads across his lips, making me weak. “Not too long, but long enough. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. You look so adorable when you’re sleeping, you know? And even more so when you’re waking up. I’m dying to know what’s going through your mind when you’re making such a face.”

I do my best attempt at a deadpan stare, carefully hiding the fact that my heart is hammering wildly. “My lord, that is for me to know and you to find out. I had no idea you were a voyeur.”

“I’m no such thing. It’s only you that I enjoy staring at.” His eyes are glowing again, smoldering in the shadows.

“Don’t tell me you’re thirsty again,” I growl. “Are you really so insatiable?”

“When it comes to you, it appears so. You’re always going to have me on the edge of arousal, Finley. You’d better get used to the idea, because now that you’ve come into your powers, it appears I can drink from you again and again without you suffering from the effects of blood loss.”

I glower. Corvan’s too clever for his own damn good. How does he know that I feel more refreshed and vital than ever before; like I could move mountains on my own? “And how can you be so sure of that? I might be on the verge of collapse, for all you know.”

“But look at you. You’re glowing. Your hair is radiant and your skin looks like it’s been suffused with the essence of a thousand roses. And I can smell your desire from here.” His smile widens, revealing a single wicked fang. “There’s no way you’re drained, my love. Youneedme to drink from you, otherwise you’d be overflowing with wild power.”

“Oh?” I slide out of bed, naked, and walk toward him, my bare feet silent on the cold floor.

Almost imperceptibly, Corvan stiffens. Oh, he’s trying to act smooth, but I can see the way his jaw tightens ever so slightly; I can see his nostrils flaring.

He’s just as aroused as I am.

I walk into the shadow, trapped under his gaze, growing slightly intoxicated by the power I have over him.

I walk right up to him and slide into his lap, bare skin against supple leather, and it’s all I can do not to shudder in delight as he runs his gloved hand around my waist and down along the small of my back; over the curve of my ass. “You’re reckless, Your Highness. I didn’t believe that the man who has so cleverly and meticulously constructed this duchy from the ruins of war could be so reckless.”

“Whatever do you mean?” His hand rests on my ass. The other hand goes to my neck, his gloved fingers curling around the spot where he bit me. He smells of leather and musk and spice.

And Idowant him to fuck me again.

“Well, there was all this talk about a seal, wasn’t there? About dangerous unfettered powers and magical bracelets that could contain me. And somehow, the bracelets are destroyed and an ancient tree has made me eat a seed, and I have no idea what’s happened to this supposedseal.Don’t you think it’s reckless, then, that you would continue to tempt me in this manner? For all you know, I’m a loose cannon. I could destroy you at any given moment.”
