Page 144 of Embers in the Snow

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He grins wickedly. “So youneedme to drink from you now.”

“It appears so. I suppose it isn’t the worst outcome in the world.” I curl my arms around his neck, staring into pools of depthless crimson. The unearthly glow in his eyes has faded. “But I’m left with…”

“Oh?” One eyebrow quirks. His expression turns darkly mischievous.

I can feel his warmth through my clothes. I can feel his hard, tempting body. It might be the middle of the night in winter, but I don’t feel cold at all, and my need for him is almost unbearable, making me twist and writhe ever so slightly.

It’s a tender, throbbing ache between my thighs, spreading through my very core.

Out here in the cold; in the moonlit darkness, I want this man, more desperately than ever before.

“Corvan,” I say quietly, urgency in my voice. “I… I have a terrible need of you.”

His damnable smile could melt snow on the mountains. “Why Finley, are you asking me for something?”

“Yes, you idiot.”


My insides twist, in a good way. “If that is what you please.”

“For what, exactly?”

I grit my teeth. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”

Even though the heat in his gaze is obvious, on the surface, he’s insufferably calm. “I just like to hear you beg, that’s all.”

“I want you to fuck me, Corvan.”

The magic has left me hollowed out and wanting. His blood-drinking has aroused me to no end. Even his silly, haughty teasing turns me on.

He falls silent, staring at me with all the intensity of a hungry wolf. Now he’s perfectly serious, and once again, his eyes faintly glow red.

He slides his hands down my back; over my hips and ass. Then he kisses me; deeply, insistently, and he tastes sweet and spicy and faintly of coppery blood.

“Finley, as much as I love hearing you ask, you must know that there’s no possible scenario where Iwouldn’twant you. I can barely hold myself back as it is.” He kisses my neck, my jaw, my cheek. “And your blood is the perfect aphrodisiac to me. You smellincredible. Even more so than before. I don’t know what that damn tree did to you, but you’re driving me insane. So even though I’ve vanquished an undead horde and the world around us is unravelling and I have to strike at the heart of all this madness before it destroys us, I don’t care. You get what you want.Always.”

Oh.This man. How is it possible that when everything’s falling to pieces, his presence makes everything better?

“As much as I’m dying to have my way with you right here and now, I cannot in all good conscience allow you to be fucked on the cold, hard ground.” He rises up into a sitting position, bringing me with him. “Let me bring you somewhere more comfortable. A place more befitting of my queen. From now on, I only want to see you ensconced in the finest luxury.”

“I refuse to be cosseted,” I remark, keenly aware that Corvan’s the sort who might react to my abduction by going overboard to protect me.

He slips his hands into mine and rises, pulling me to my feet. Then he kisses me again, pulling me close. “Neverthat. Soon, you’ll become too powerful to be held back—even by me. Is it so wrong that I just want to give you everything?” He leans close, his breath feathering my cheek. “So much has happened since you came to me. And… I never expected someone like you. How easily you fit with me and all my fucking foibles, even though thewhyof it all has been kept from me—by intention, I suspect.”

“You and me both,” I say dryly, even though I’m breathless. I feel his need and his vulnerability. His protectiveness. His desperation. And how lost we both are, caught in a vicious current not of our making. “The least we can do is satisfy ourselves, then. That’s how you wrangle fate, isn’t it?”

Once again, he takes me into his arms. I tremble with anticipation. I know what happens next.

He lifts me up, as easily as if I were a leaf.

“One of the advantages of possessing this terribly unnatural speed,” he says quietly, “is that one can accomplish more in a day—or night—than what one usually would.”

“Hurry up then, Corvan,” I whisper; half plea, half whimper. “Before we find ourselves under siege again.”

“Siege?” He laughs darkly. “The only one laying siege to my very existence is you, my love.”

And then he takes a step forward, and the wind rushes past, and the world becomes a moonlit blur.
