Page 126 of Embers in the Snow

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“Not on my watch.”

He leans in and kisses me on the cheek; a sweet, gentle gesture that contrasts with his fearsome expression. “That’s more like it. It might be a long night, but we’ll get them all.”

Part of me wants to tell himto hell with it. Just let me bite you; taste you. Break this seal once and for all.

If I had power, I could help.

But that’s ridiculous. I can’t risk unlocking some wild, untamed magic within me.

When the Khaturian shaman touched my hand, for a moment, I felt it.

I heard the voices. I felt power rippling through my veins, trying so desperately to come to the surface.

And I was afraid.

Corvan was right. It wasn’t the time to do anything rash.

“Be safe,” I say instead, touching the side of his face. His skin is inhumanly smooth, but warm. “Evenyoushould be cautious.”

“I know, Finley.” He captures my hand and presses his lips against it, grazing over my knuckles. “The only thing that makes me cautious is the thought of coming back to you.”

And then he’s gone, leaving me in the deepening chill.



There’s a guard stationed at the entrance to the guest wing. He’s big and intimidating, with a grizzled face and bulging arms and black hair bound in long braids. Half-Vikurian, by the looks of it. He wears black leather armor and a menacing scowl. A large halberd is held upright.

Standing as still as a statue, he doesn’t move one bit as I approach.

“My lady,” he says, his voice deep and rumbling. “You may enter, but the lads are not to leave until the danger has passed. Try and talk some sense into them, won’t you?”

My eyes narrow. “They’re being detained here? That wasn’t part of the agreement.”

“An undead horde is attacking the castle.Someonethinks it’s a good idea to go out and fight. Maybe you can understand why we aren’t letting them go anywhere. Especially the injured one.”

I sigh. The guard’s position is perfectly sensible. My brothers and Garan can be hotheaded at times. “I suppose nobody’s really explained the situation to them.”

“We’re at war. This isn’t a picnic.” He tips his halberd to the side, allowing me to pass. “Although now that His Highness is back, I’d expect it’ll all be dealt with pretty quickly.”

“You don’t seem particularly fazed that there are undead monsters outside these walls.”

The guard smiles, flashing perfectly straight white teeth. “Compared to what we dealt with in the Northern War, this is nothing.”

I make my way past, reaching Kastel and Garan’s room. Aderick’s room is separate; the next one down.

I knock.

“Who is it?” It’s Garan, sounding tense and hostile.

“Just me.”

The door opens immediately.

“Finley!” The lad gestures for me to enter. “Where the hell have you been? We were worried sick for you.”

“I’m fine,” I say mildly, thinking about everything that’s happened in the last day.
