Page 93 of Discovering Lily

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After the four largeassholes dropped us off at the airport, I had never been so thankful for the tight security they had now in days, keeping them from coming through the metal detectors to make sure Brice and I left. But what those fuckers didn’t know was that we would never leave Lily, and already made hotel and rental car arrangements. Heading to the rental counter, Brice was the first of us to break the solemn silence we’d been in. Both of us deep in thought about how in the world we’re going to get Lily’s father to see what we felt for her was not sick and twisted but utter love. “I don't know about you brother, but I've never had someone make me feel like such a piece of shit because of my sexual preferences.”

“Try not to take it to personal and believe me I have to keep telling myself that, too. He's old school, so he knows no other way for a relationship or marriage to be. For him it's between only one man and one woman.”

“I know it was just a little much to swallow, you know.”

“I know, but I believe in Lily and us, and I know you do, too, so let's get to the hotel and then start checking out all those leads we got on Luca, and Camilla, starting with that hotel in Rosemont. Once we remove the threats against her we can focus only on fighting for her.”

Arriving at the hotel, we unpacked and headed out to Rosemont. Shooting Lily a quick text, letting her know that we hadn't went anywhere and if anything out of the ordinary happened to call or text us.

Vance: Brice and I are at a hotel not too far from the airport, so if anything happens, anything at all, I want you to call me or text me, okay?

Lily: okay I will. I miss you both so much already and I'm so sorry for the awful things my father said to you and how he treated you both. I will never forgive him for hurting you that way.

Vance: I love that you’re looking out for us, but I don't want you to feel like you have to choose sides. We’ll figure everything out. Brice and I are headed out to Rosemont right now to check on one of the leads we got on your sister and Luca. Just know Brice and I will be watching over you even though we can't be near you. And we love you so much, sweetheart.

Lily: I love you both, too... so, so much. Please be careful with them, they both always carry.

Vance: We will. We’ll talk to you soon, okay? Love you.

Lily: Okay. Love you!

The second I put my phone away, it began to ring. “Hello.”

“Hey, just wanted to let you know that the tracker you gave Lily is back up and running and there's currently no movement from the house.”

“Thanks, Kelan. Let us know if anything changes.”

“Will do, you guys okay out there? Or need any back-up? I know Hudson and Carter are both worried about what's gone down with her father kicking you two out. We were all wondering if you needed someone else out there to watch your six.”

“Tell them not to take any long-term jobs, that way if things get sticky out here we can have them fly out, but right now everything has calmed down now that we’re out of there.”

“All right, call me if you need anything.”

“Will do, brother.”

A half hour later we pulled up to the Piedmont Hotel. Parking our car we headed inside to locate the manager in hopes that he cooperated with our request.

Spotting a young woman behind the counter, she greeted us. “Hello, welcome to the Piedmont, how can I help you gentlemen today?”

“Is your manager available to talk with us?” Brice asked her.

“Sure, let me just go and get him.”

Walking into a back office, she returns moments later with an older, tall, heavy set man following her. “I'm the manager, names Coleman, how can I help you two gentlemen today?”

“We were hoping that you could tell us if these two individuals are staying at your hotel or have in the last couple of days?” I held up my phone with Camilla and Luca’s picture on it.

Both the manager and the young clerk looked at the photo and I saw a look of recognition on the young girls face. She definitely recognized them. “I'm sorry but we respect the privacy of our guests here at the Piedmont, so unless you two are with the authorities or have a warrant for that information I’m afraid I can't help you.”

“They're wanted for kidnapping.” Brice explained.

“Look, I would really like to help you out, but my hands are tied. Giving you that kind of personal information on one of our guests could cost me my job, but you’re more than welcome to return with the local police and a warrant, then we’d be happy to help you. I hope you understand, I have a wife and three kids to take care of so I need this job and can't afford to lose it, I'm sorry.”

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