Page 80 of Discovering Lily

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When my parents cameinto my room to talk to me, it was like they flipped a light switch and my memory started to come roaring back. But it was as I was talking to them that I suddenly began to feel sick and weak. Before I could answer my mother’s question about being okay, a sudden blackness takes over my body, pulling me under as I heard the incessant beeping noises sounding off all around me.

When I open my eyes again, the first person I saw was the nurse that was in my room when I lost it with Vitale fighting with Vance and Brice. “W-what happened?” Before she could answer me there was a knock at the door. Letting out a sigh she walked over to open it up. A tall, older but yet attractive man with graying hair walked in.

“Miss Marchetti, I'm glad to see that you’re doing better. My name is Jason Tucker, and I'm head of security here at the hospital. I wanted to first and foremost apologize for what occurred here earlier and assure you that you are very safe now. If I could I wanted to ask you a few questions, if you’re up to answering them that is?”

“All right, that should be fine.” I told him, trying to sit up.

“Here, let me help you.” The nurse adjusted the pillow behind me. “There, better?”

“Yes, thank you.” My attention went back to Jason. “Can you tell me what happened? One minute I was feeling fine and then the next sicker than a dog.”

Clearing his throat, he exchanged a look with the nurse. “Will you be okay if I leave you here with Mr. Tucker? I can assure you that you are safe with him, he's the best at what he does.” The nurse told me.

“It's fine.”

After she exited the room, Jason made his way to my bedside, taking the chair next to it so I didn't have to crane my neck to look up his tall frame. “I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but it seems that someone, a man dressed as a doctor, came in and injected arsenic into your IV.”

My eyes widened. “Someone tried to poison me? Who? Was it Gustavo? Was he trying to silence me? I don’t understand.” I blurted out rapidly in a panic.

“We will be reviewing the security footage to see if we can figure that out, but I can tell you for certain that I will find out who it was. I've put my best guy on your door and only Doctor Michaels, and Nurse Patterson will be allowed to tend to you from here on out. Tell me, do you remember anyone else being in here?”

“No, after I made Vitale, Vance, and Brice all leave I fell asleep after nurse Patterson left, but she didn't give me anything orally or through my IV before she left. And after that I woke up to my parents walking into my room and then one minute we were talking and the next I fell sick and was blacking out.”

“I'm glad to hear that nurse Patterson checks out, makes one less suspect for me to question. Okay well if you think of anything else or need anything at all here is my business card. Please don't hesitate to call me anytime,” he said, handing me a gray colored card with his information on it.

“Thank you, I will. Mr. Tucker?”


“I would like to be the first call, after the authorities of course, you make to inform me of who did this.”

Standing up he reached his hand out to mine, shaking it. “You got my word that you will, Miss Marchetti.”

“Thank you.”

After he left, both of my parents came back in, my mother literally running to my side, enveloping me in a hug murmuring ‘my baby’ over and over, kissing me on the cheek and speaking to me in Italian. Her words caused something to click inside of me and memories of her singing to me in Italian as a child surfaced, causing me to stare at her in a new light, a familiar light. Mom. Madre.

“Baby girl what is it?” My father asked, igniting another memory to poke it's head outside the veil of fog.

I'm running in the yard and I fall down and scrape my knee, causing me to cry. But then two strong, warm arms surround me and sweep me up into safety as the man, my Padre, said to me, “it's going to be okay, baby girl, I got you.”

More tears, I hadn't known were falling, started to pour out of me.

“What is it, baby girl? What's wrong?” My father questioned, sweeping a tear away with his thumb.

“I-I remember... you both. I remember,” I said with a disbelieving laugh, thinking my memory was never going to surface. After we hugged several more times, we talked about my place in the family and how important it was to them to have me home and then at that point I knew what I needed to do.

Hearing a knock on the door, after my parents had left my room, I called out to whoever it was to come in. I wasn’t surprised when I saw Vance and Brice walk in. “Oh sweetheart, you scared the shit out of us,” Vance said, taking my hand in his, kissing me on the forehead as Brice moved to the other side of my bed, taking my other hand before doing the same.

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