Page 78 of Discovering Lily

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Leaving Lily's room, we first made sure the hospital security guard was in place outside her room before both Vance and I followed Vitale to the waiting room. “What the fuck do you mean coming in here and upsetting Lily like that?” I blurted out unable to wait until we were actually in the waiting room.

“Did we not agree that you would return my fiancé to me when she was found?”

“We never said she was just going to leave here with you, asshole. We said that if it was what she wanted to do then we wouldn't stand in her way. You made it fucking sound like we were going to just give her up without fight.”

Stepping closer, Vance continued. “And that's where you're wrong Gatti because it's a fight we intend on giving you. She will not leave here with you if she doesn't want to, you got me?”

Laughing at Vance's words, he finally stopped to glare at both of us. “She is a Marchetti and soon to be a Gatti, she will be more powerful when our two families merge than you two can ever hope to be in this lifetime. She will have the best of everything, be treated like a queen and want for nothing in this life. You really want to rip that all away from her, to what, live on a farm in Texas? She's meant for greater things than to be just your play toy, gentlemen. Besides, once Lillian fully regains her memory, she will tire of such a life with you two second hand security guards.”

Lunging for him, Vance tried to hold me back, but not before I was able to get in one good punch to his face as his bullshit bodyguards pulled him back behind them, protecting the asshole from me. “You don't love her the way we do! You just want to use her like some fucking pawn in your mission for more power in the mob! She's better than that! She's better than you!”

I finished on a weak note, knowing that there was a real possibility we were about to lose the woman we loved.

“Both of you love her?” He questioned, pushing through his bodyguards. “So, what, you were going to share her like a whore that you pass back and forth until you've had your fill, you sick fucks? She deserves better than that!” He shouted, his guards trying to hold him back, but in the scuffle, they don't see Vance heading straight for him this time instead of me.

Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, he shouted at him. “Don't you ever fucking call her that again unless you're ready to die, motherfucker! We love her you self-righteous prick!”

Hearing alarms going off all over the nurses station we all turned just in time to see doctors and nurses rushing into Lily’s

room as an older couple, I assume to be her parents, huddled together outside her door. The woman grips the man tightly burring her face in his chest as she chanted. “Not my baby girl. God please don't take my baby from me.” Over and over again as Vance and I made our way closer to them.

“What the hell happened to her?” Vance asked first.

The old man turned to face us, taking in everyone in the room before focusing back on us again. “Who are you two? And why are you asking about my daughter?”

“My name is Brice, and this is Vance, we own Black Spade Securities and we’re the ones who rescued Lily from Mexico. We’ve been helping her to remember who she is after she suffered memory loss.”

“These are the men I was telling you about, Constanzo.” Vitale stepped up behind us.

“What's going on with, Lily?" Vance repeated.

“We don't know.” Her mother spoke up. “One minute we were talking to her and the next she passed out and the machines started beeping.” She finished on a sob.

“Come my love, let's get you a seat,” Constanzo said, trying to soothe her as he lovingly rubbed her back, guiding her to a chair.

Unable to contain ourselves, both Vance and I rushed up to the nurses station to find out what had happened, only to be told we'd have to wait for the doctor to come out.

“Vance! Brice!” We heard yelled at us as we turned to see Hudson and Carter heading down the hall towards us.

“Hey,” We both said as they walked up.

“What's going on with our girl?” Hudson questioned.

Vance filled them in. “We don't know. She was fine, alert and talking and then for some reason she passed out. We're waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us.”

“This is so fucked up. Everything is so fucked up!" I shouted, punching the wall in frustration.

“Come on man, calm down and tell us what's going on,” Carter said. After we filled them both in on what happened earlier with Vitale, they both became just as pissed off and willing to kill him as we were. “Fucking piece of shit.” Carter mumbled, staring Vitale down.

“She's going to be okay. Everything is going to work out. That woman loves you two like no other.”

Interrupting our conversation, the doctor finally came out of her room to address her parents. Walking over to where they were so we could hear him, he began to give them a rundown of what happened and her current condition. “Mr. and Mrs.

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