Page 70 of Discovering Lily

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As I passed by Vitale’soffice, I couldn't help but eavesdrop by the cracked door when I heard him talking on the phone. After I scoured the hallway for any sign of Arnoldo, I listened further, hearing him talk to someone about his fiancée. At first, I thought it was about me, but then he used the words 'hired' and 'kidnapped' and I knew he's talking about Lillian. Whoever it was on the other end seemed to have a lot of information about her. After I spoke with Gustavo this afternoon, I had a feeling he was going to just keep her for himself and I couldn't have that. I couldn't risk her being rescued alive thanks to that assholes obsession he seemed to have developed for my sister. Knowing I needed to make myself scarce, fast, I grabbed my purse and keys off the entry table and snuck out the servant’s entrance before he searched me out like I knew he eventually would. If he found me? Well, let's just say I couldn't allow that to happen. Getting in my car I hit the button for the gates and made my escape before it was too late. Digging my phone out, I pulled up Luca's number.

“What the hell do you want now?”

“That's a nice greeting.”

“After being forced out of my home at gunpoint and interrogated for over two hours by a man that wants nothing more than to see me dead because of you, yeah I'm a little pissed off, Camilla.”

“I know and I'm sorry for that, but we have a bigger problem.”

“What's that?”

“I think Vitale's on to us about Lillian.”

“Us? That shit you did all on your own. I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen to reason, you had to have all that power at whatever the cost.”

“I think you and I both know that Vitale didn't believe a word you said, so you can either meet me at our spot and we can try and survive this thing together, or you can run on your own with what little money you have and pray to God that he doesn't catch you and torture you before he kills you trying to find me.”

I could hear him let out a frustrated breath. “I knew getting mixed up with you was going to cost me my life one day.”

“And yet you still did. Now be at our spot in thirty minutes.” I ordered him, ending the call. Hearing my phone ring, I looked down and saw it was Vitale's name popping up, but I knew it was really Arnoldo calling me. Shutting my phone off, so it can't be tracked, I headed down the road to our hideaway hotel in Rosemont.

Pulling into the parking lot, I parked my car and walked into the lobby, grabbing a key for the room before returning to my car to wait for him. When he finally arrived, he walked over to my car. “Did you get the key to the room yet?”

Holding it up, he took it from me before opening my car door, helping me out. “Always the gentleman.”

“Not that you ever appreciate it,” he grumbled.

I needed Luca on my side more than ever now that everyone in my family might soon know that I was the one who was responsible for having Lillian taken, if she was found, so I gripped his hand, pulling him into me. “You know I never loved Vitale; it was always you. You were the only man I have ever been in love with in my life.”

“And yet I still wasn't enough for you.” He snapped back, pulling me through the hotel lobby to the elevator.

“That's not true. I never told you, but I had plans to make you a part of my life in the future.”

“Just how were you going to do that after you married Vitale, huh? Sneak off to meet me like I'm your secret rendezvous whenever you feel like it?” He questioned after we exited the elevator and entered our room.

“No. I was going to marry you after I him killed.”

Wide eyes looked back at me. “You are insane! Do you even know what would happen to you if they ever found out it was you that killed Vitale?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “What does it matter now? I can never go back there. My sister is still alive, and I think Gustavo is keeping her for himself. The only way I would ever be able to go home is if they both die and never tell anyone that it was me behind the whole thing. There are only four people who know it was me, you, Gustavo, myself, and I'm sure Gustavo told my sister by now that it was me.” Pushing him towards the bed, he sat down as I straddled his lap, hooking my arms around his neck as I looked into his eyes, they softened instantly the moment his hands gripped my ass. “But if you help me get rid of Gustavo and Lillian for good it will never be proven that it was me. My father would never believe that I would harm my own sister without anyone to back up the accusations with some kind of proof,” brushing my lips gently over his, I continued. “Then I can marry Vitale, our two family's can go through with the merger, then after a sensible amount of time I could have him taken out and marry you. We would be the most powerful couple on the East coast.” Punctuating my words with a deep kiss, I pulled away to look in his eyes as I cradled his face in my hands. I knew even before he opened his mouth, he was in, hook, line, and sinker.

“If I do this for you, I'm going to have a set of rules my own, Camilla.” His commanding words surprised me when all he

usually said was yes to me.


“Yes. First, you’re going to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness for being dragged from my house while I fuck your face with my cock. Then you're going to let me fuck the rest of your holes anyway I choose to, whenever I choose to. The way I see it, I'm all you've got now and I'm going to start taking everything I've always wanted from you, Camilla. You will be mine.”

Surprising me with this dominant side of him I'd never witnessed before, it infuriated me to no end that he was right about me needing him. And his words kind of turned me on. “Okay, Luca.”

“Good. Now on your knees and get started on that begging.”

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