Page 41 of Discovering Lily

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After we got back tothe hotel, the guys had me go through all the images that Kelan was able to pull off the

surrounding cameras. As Vance clicked through the images, I finally spotted him after what seemed like hours of searching

and pointed him out. Immediately Brice took off into his bedroom to call Kelan, so he could find out his identity and see if he really did have anything to do with my ex-fiancé or family. When the door closed behind Brice, Vance, and I were left alone. “How are you holding up?” He asked.

“I'm doing all right. Not going to lie, though, this whole thing about my ex-fiancé, or my family that might have betrayed me, then the creepy guy in the boutique has definitely got me on edge, but I'm not going to break. I want to solve this

whole mystery about my life and find out who tried to get rid of me just as much, if not more than you two. If this guy leads us to them, then I will just have to face whoever it is head on.”

He pulled me onto his lap, so I was now straddling his legs, facing him. “You know when we first found you, you were this beautiful little frightened woman who I wasn't sure would bounce back after everything you’d been through. But every day I watch you grow and get stronger. And with the way you handled yourself with that guy today, even though I would have much rather you had come running to us for help, you stood your ground.”

Chuckling, I told him. “Well, let's be honest. It was pretty shaky ground I was standing on seeing how I was scared shitless at the way he was talking to me in that threatening tone.”

“I for one am proud of how you’ve been handling this whole thing,” he said, kissing me softly on the lips before I palmed his face in my hands and deepened it.

“I'm proud of you, too.” We heard Brice say as he walked back into the room, causing us to pull apart before he positioned himself behind me to massage my shoulders.

Leaning back and looking up at him, he leaned down and took my mouth with his before I could say anything just as Vance began kissing along my neck and tightening the grip he had on my ass. As he pulled me closer, I could feel his erection as it rubbed back and forth on my clit, causing an excruciatingly delicious friction. Some would say this was what Heaven felt like, and I would have to say I agreed. When Brice broke the kiss, Vance turned my face towards him.

“Think we should take this to my bedroom?”

Nodding my head, I bit down on my lip, trying to contain the huge smile that wanted to break out across my face.

A moment later I felt Brice's arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me to my feet biting his way up my neck. Just as Vance got up from the couch, his phone went off, causing a frustrated curse from both of them. “Someone had better have a damn good reason for interrupting us.” Vance growled. Looking down at his phone, he let out another curse, showing Brice who it was that was calling. “What do you have for me, Kelan?” He answered, walking out onto the balcony.

Turning to Brice, I asked. “Do you think he's found out something on that guy that fast?”

“One thing you will learn about Kelan is that he can find out just about anything on anybody in record time, so I would not be surprised if he has.”

“Fuck!” We both heard Vance yell, causing us to jerk our heads back in his direction.

“And by that reaction right there, I'm guessing that whatever he found out is not good I'm afraid.” Walking back into the main room, Vance had a look etched on his face that seemed to be somewhere between anger and worry. When his eyes fell on me, I knew it had to be really bad.

“Well, don't keep us in suspense, what did Kelan find out?” Brice asked.

Taking a deep breath, Vance ran his fingers roughly through his hair. “Kelan found out the identity of our mystery man. The good news is he has no strong ties to either family, or any other family for that matter. The bad news is, his name is Gustavo Carbone, better known as the executioner. He’s said to be one of the best hit men there is in the business.”

Feeling fear wrap itself around my heart and squeeze, I asked probably the most obvious question, but still one I needed an

answer to. “And you think he's been hired to kill me?”

“We don't know that for sure.” Brice started in, but by the way Vance looked at him, it was noticeably clear that’s exactly what Vance thought had happened. Needing to wrap my head around the fact that someone, possibly in my own family, was trying to get rid of me, I told them both. “I think I need a moment alone right now.” I walked into my room, shutting the door behind me, leaving them both speechless. Sitting on my bed, I dug around in my head, trying for any kind of scrap from my memory that would tell me who was doing this, who wanted me gone. Then it hit me, what I needed to do. Opening my bedroom door, startling Brice, and Vance, who were still standing where I left them, deep in a conversation with each other. “Where are those pictures you had of my family that I was supposed to look at?”

Grabbing the laptop, Vance hit a few keys and brought the images up. Taking the laptop, I began to make my way back to my room when Brice's deep voice stopped me. “Lily, are you okay?”

Turning back to him, I answered him honestly. “No, but I'm not going to sit here and just freak out about someone possibly wanting me dead. I'm going to try and rack this damaged brain of mine and see if I can figure out who they are before they find me.” With that I went into my room and closed the door behind me. Through the night I looked at their faces over and over again, seeing the similarities between us as I tried and tried again, hoping something would trigger my memories. Opening up Google, I looked up everything that had to do with Vitale. Everything I found presented him as an upstanding citizen, but you could see the truth of who he really was if you stared at his eyes long enough. Looking at a picture of him and my sister together, a memory out of nowhere hits me. I'm in the bathroom somewhere getting ready, but I’m not able to see much around me, just my reflection in the mirror. But then I heard a man's voice. “You are going to be the most beautiful woman there tonight, Lillian.”

Then just as fast as it came the memory is gone. When I thought about the words that were said to me, they sounded so loving. But the feeling I got told me that they also frightened me. It still just didn't make sense, so I slapped the laptop closed and let out a curse in frustration. A few seconds later there was a knock on my door. “Come in!” I called out.

When the door opened, I saw both of them standing there. “Are you okay in here?” Vance asked first.

I let out a heavy breath. “Yes. No. I don't know. I tried and tried to squeeze anything out of my head, but all I ever seem to get is just drips of information.”

Brice sat down next to me as Vance took the other side. “You remembered something?” Brice asked.

“Just something small.” After telling them what I’d remembered, Vance suggested that we should all get some sleep. They just held me, giving me exactly what I needed right now as I faded off to sleep.

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