Page 3 of Discovering Lily

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Sitting at my desk, going over all the information we'd found out about the woman staying in our home so far, and it was little to none. After all the medical tests we had run on her, we now knew what her blood type was, that she had no illnesses, that she wasn't raped, and she wasn’t pregnant. In fact, the doctor discovered that she was actually still a virgin. I didn’t know how to feel about that or how Brice would either. Neither of us could deny our attraction to her but we had a standing agreement between the two of us, no virgins, no matter what. But then again, we hadn't met her yet. Her fingerprints that we had ran came back without a match, and there was still no sign of anyone even reporting her as a missing person. “Who could allow a woman like that to just disappear from their life?” I mumbled to myself. I hadn't known her for longer than a week, but even in that short span of time, if she disappeared, I would tear the world apart to get her back. Then I began to wonder, would I ever be able to let her go? Even if it turned out that she belonged to another. Could Brice? Hell, I couldn't even go five seconds in my day without her image popping into my head. The way she smelled, or how she scrunched her cute little nose when she figured out that she didn't like something. A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts. “Come in.”

“Hey, find anything else out on our girl yet?” Brice asked, walking in, sitting down across from me.

Letting out a breath, I leaned back in my chair. “Well, we know that she's in good health, wasn't raped, and isn't pregnant. But there was something else the doctor found out.”

Looking at me with his hands in the air like hello, he asked. “What did she find out?”

I shook my head, trying to find the words. “The Doctor discovered that she’s a virgin.”

Shooting up from his chair, he looked at me in disbelief as he ran his hand over his face and began to pace the length of the office. “Are you fucking kidding me? How? She must be at least mid to late twenties. Are they sure?”

Chuckling, I answered. “Yeah they're quite sure. That is not one you can mistake.”

Not saying anything for a moment as he paced and thought, he finally stopped. “We made an agreement Vance, that a relationship like the one we would be asking from a woman would be too much to ask of a virgin. We agreed no virgins,” he practically shouted, running his hands through his hair so roughly that I was surprised that it didn’t start falling out.

“I know.” I said, wanting nothing more than to break that rule more than ever right now.

He suddenly turned to face me. “Well, what are we going to do?”

“We're going to do what we told her we would do. We're going to help her find her family and then let her go." I said, trying to convince myself that I'd be able to do that.

“Can you do that? Because I don't know if I can after this past week, we've spent with her. I... I never knew I could be so attracted to someone so fast. She's everything we both want, and you think we need to just let her go? Can you honestly do that?”

“I'm not saying that it will be easy by any means, but Brice, we are dealing with a woman who is not only a virgin but she's also got no memory of who she is and she just had the shit traumatized out of her by a bunch of men trying to sell her as a sex slave. So, it's not a question of if I could let her go, because if it were under different circumstances, I would say fuck no, I'm not letting her go! But it's not, so it's doing what's right for her and leaving my own selfish reasons for keeping her with us out of it.”

Dropping down into the chair, he let out a heavy breath. “I know you're right. I do. But doesn't mean I have to like it. Do you know how hard it's been not to touch her, not to want her between us every night instead of alone in that bed that we built for our future wife and us?”

Giving him my ‘no shit’ look, I answered. “Every second of every day brother, but we can't, we need to just find out who she is and where she belongs as fast as possible before it gets to a point where it will be even more painful to let her go.”

“You're right. I'll go check with Kelan and see if he was able to find anything else out about her.” Brice said, pealing himself out of the chair and walking out of my office, leaving me to my thoughts of wanting to find anyway possible we could make this work with her.

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