Page 24 of Discovering Lily

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That fucking dressshe was wearing had got me so damn hard that it was almost too painful to walk. I should have known better than to let T take her out shopping last week. Damn woman knew just what to have her buy to get under our skin and break us. When the two punk assholes got on the elevator, openly checking her out right in front of Brice and I, it

took every ounce of strength I had not to beat the living shit out of both of them right then and there. By the look I saw on Brice's face, I knew the feeling was mutual. So on instinct we both pulled her closer to show those two assholes she was ours.

All through dinner, men kept glancing our way, looking her over like she was the best dessert on the menu for the night, and it was pissing me the fuck off. Then came the club. Not going to bullshit you here, as soon as we entered the club and I saw the heads turn towards her, I wanted to say fuck this, and take her right back to the hotel. But I knew she wanted to have fun, so I allowed her to stay. That's right, I said allowed. I'm a possessive bastard like that and sharing her with anyone other than Brice was not part of the program. Watching all the eyes that raked over her body as we made our way to the bar, it was noticeably clear that this woman was oblivious to all the men looking at her. I didn't think she really knew just how beautiful she really was, made up like she is now or make-up free in shorts and a tank top back at the farm. Either way she was drop dead gorgeous. “I need a fucking drink!” I shouted at Brice over her head.

“Me too. I'm about to kill some of these assholes tonight if this shit keeps up.”

The bartender grabbed a hold of her hand, blatantly flirting with her in front of us as soon as we got to the bar. “Well hello there beautiful lady, what can I do ya for?”

“Yeah, yeah, enough of the pawing there, Romeo.” Brice snapped, pulling her hand out of his before I could. “We'll have two beers.” He told the guy before leaning down to her. “What would you like to drink, sweetheart?”

She smiled at the bartender. “Mm, something sweet.”

“I think I have just the thing.” He winked at her before walking away to get our drinks.

Suddenly feeling something brush over my dick, I looked down to see her wiggling her ass to the music, bumping into me. How much can one man take before he bursts?

“Oh, I'm sorry.” She yelled over the music when she saw where my eyes had slipped down to. “I didn't mean to bump into you. It's just this music is so good that I can't help but dance.”

“It's fine. No worries.” I assured her as I caught sight of Brice chuckling on the other side of her, having seen what was going on.

“Wait until it happens to you.” I mouthed back to him.

Nodding back at me, his attention quickly returned to the flirty bartender who was now back.

“Here, try this, sweet thing,” he said, setting a red drink down in front of her.

Unbelievable! This fucker thinks being on the other side of that bar is going to save his ass when we both lose it. Wrong!

“What is it?”

“Pomegranate martini.”

“Ooh, yummy! This is so good!” She smiled after taking a big drink.

After three more beers and two shots of whiskey each for Brice and I, and two martini's for Lillian (aka Gina) we were all starting to loosen up a bit and we'd both noticed how she started to touch and rub up against us in these close quarters with the heavy crowd. “Oh my God! I love this song! Can we go dance?! Please!” She practically begged.

“What do you think?” Brice asked.

“Well I think the lady wants to dance, so we dance.” I answered before throwing back the rest of my drink. Both of them followed suit and then we all made our way onto the dance floor. Just as we got there, the music switched again to a

song I really could have done without, Into you by Arianna Grande came on. It was a very sultry dance mix and fuck if she didn't know how to move her hips to it.

As we all danced to the song, she looked right into my eyes as she sang along with the song. "A little less conversation and little more touch my body, cause I'm so into you.” And hell, if my dick didn't just get harder. Then to top it off, the next time the same line came on, she turned her back to me and rubbed her ass against my dick while she mouthed the words to Brice. Shit just got real serious. This woman was playing with a fire she has no idea about. I was seriously about to drag her ass off into a dark corner somewhere and fuck the shit out of her right here and now, but I knew we couldn't. She deserved better. But we sure as hell could mess with her the same way she was messing with us.

And it started right now.

Getting Brice's attention, I mouthed to him. “Game on.” He nodded back at me with full understanding. If this woman wanted to light the match, we'd only be too happy to fan the flames.

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