Page 12 of Discovering Lily

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As we both watchedher ride off on our mare, I don't think either one of us took our eyes off her as her ass bounced in that lucky as hell saddle. Jesus my dick must have had zipper prints on it by now I was so hard.

“You sure were right about seeing her on that horse, brother. Damn, I don't think I even need a hammer to pound those nails in right now. She's got me so hard bouncing in that saddle like that. Vance blurted.

“Told ya, brother.” I slapped his shoulder still not taking my eyes off her.

“So, are we working on this barn today? Or are you two boys going to just stand there with your dicks in your hands watching her all day?” Mack joked, coming out of the barn. Reluctantly we both groaned and went back to work on the barn. The rest of the weekend passed by pretty much the same way, all the sexual tension brewing between us and the not so secret glimpses at one another. Then before we knew it, it was Monday and we're all in the SUV headed into the office.

Pulling into the parking garage and cutting the engine, I got out and opened the back door, letting her out as I looked over the outfit she chose to wear today. It was a simple black pencil skirt with a white-collared shirt and black heels, my idea of a wet dream secretary. When Vance came around from the passenger’s side, she asked. “Do you guys own this whole building?”

Making our way to the elevator, Vance explained. “We own the top three floors. The rest is owned by other companies.”

The elevator doors opened, and we all got inside. As soon as the doors closed, the sexual tension rose to a level I didn't think any of us had ever felt before as we all rode up in this now extremely small box in silence. I thanked God when the doors finally opened, but then let out a mental curse the second I spotted our first hurdle. “Well, well, what do we have here? Is it bring your woman to work day today and no one told me?” Carter joked, raising his eyebrows at us. If I could kill him right now I would.

“Enough of your shit, Mitchell. You don't even have a woman to bring to work if we even did have a day like that.” Vance snapped back, beating me to the punch.

“So moody today,” he chuckled, knowing damn well he was pissing us both off. Leaning over and putting his hand out to the woman, he introduced himself. “Hi, my name is Carter. I'm not sure if you remember me but we met briefly in Mexico and at our friend Brody's house.”

She smiled back. “Yes, I remember you. You were the one everyone was giving a hard time to.”

Carter stood up straight. “I am. They are so mean to me around here. You know it would be nice to have someone as pretty as yourself, who's nice to me, to hang out with. What do you say to me showing you around here this morning while these two bullies get settled in their offices?”

Both Vance and I exchanged looks before giving Carter a very clear keep your damn hands off glare. Looking down at her, I asked. “Are you okay with him showing you around? Or would you prefer Vance or myself to do that?”

Thinking for a moment, she bit her bottom lip, causing me to almost let out a groan at the sight of it. “No, I think I'll be fine going with him. He seems harmless enough, and kinda funny, too.”

“Well I'm happy to see someone around here finally appreciates my sense of humor.” He put his arm out for her to grab onto. “My lady,” making her giggle as he led her away, but not before looking back at us over his shoulder with a smirk on his face. “Gentlemen, if you will excuse us.” And then walked away.


“I will still fire him if he even thinks about touching her. I don't care if he is a partner in this damn company or not.” Vance said, echoing my thoughts.

“Trust me brother, I will hold no guilt over chopping his dick off either.” I tell added.

“Well let's get up to date on everything, then meet in my office in thirty. I'll tell Kelan to meet us there, too, so we can discuss all of our options with finding out more information about her. I'll have Tina set up the hotel and flight for this weekend as well. Vance said.

“Sounds good. I'll call Walker and see what he can do for us as far as an ID for her goes.”

When I got to my office, I greeted my secretary, Becky. “Morning, Beck. How was your weekend?”

“It was good, yours?”

“It was... interesting. I'm going to check my emails then and head to Vance's office for a quick meeting.”

“Okay, all your messages and coffee are on your desk.”

Thank you, I need it today.”

“Monday traditions,” she said in a sing song voice.

Walking into my office, shutting the door behind me, I began to go over my emails and sent some off before I called Walker to get her a temporary ID set up.

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