Page 34 of Protecting Keira

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When my eyes finallyopened, I looked around the unfamiliar room I found myself in. A shot of panic took over that I'd somehow been kidnapped again, and it caused me to shoot up into a sitting position. "Easy baby, you're in the hospital." I heard Porter say, instantly calming me. Getting up out of the chair, he was sitting in, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "You gave us quite a scare, you know that?"

"I don't really remember much, just the intense pain in my head. Did the doctor's find out what's wrong with me?" I asked him, fearing his answer.

"They ran every test they could think of on you and found nothing physically wrong with you."

"So I'm a nut," I said, feeling like it had to be the only answer for what happened.

Turning to look at him, I could see the worry in his eyes. "I need to ask you something, Ker.”


“Did... did something happen to you... when Pablo's men took you? D-did they touch you in any way?"

I reached out to stroke away the worry away I saw etched on his face. "No, the only thing I remember about them taking me was when they caught us outside of the night club. They shot Jake and then injected me with something that made my world go black. The next thing I remembered was waking up inside that cell Presley found me in. But had they assaulted me; I would know it. I would have felt it. None of my clothes were ripped, including my panties. Everything was intact when I woke up... but there is something I'm not telling you that I need to."

He gently brushed the hair away from my face. "You can tell me anything, you know that."

Twisting my hands in my lap, the way I always did when I didn't know quite how to say something, I finally got the words out. "I-I keep seeing things in my head."

"Like memories?" Porter asked, looking at me courteously.

"No. Well yes, but they aren't like a normal memory would be. It’s as if I'm watching a movie or something, it's not like something that's happened in front of me." Seeing his confused expression, I told him. "Trust me, it makes no sense to me either, but every time I see them that's when the pain in my head starts."

"Them? People you know?"

I shook my head. "No. Women that I have no clue who they are. Someone's beating them and they're screaming for help."

"Okay wait, let's do this. Go back to the night you were taken outside the club. What happened that day? How did you get to the club?"

"That's the thing, I don't even remember going there. The last thing I remember was going into my father's office that morning and accidentally interrupting a meeting between my father, Director Henson, and another man that I didn't recognize, but even that's fuzzy to me. I have no idea why I went in there to begin with, or what was said when I was in there. Then the next thing I can remember is being taken outside the club. It's like all the in between has been wiped away from my memory or something. Am I going crazy?" Tears filled my eyes.

He hugged me tighter. "No, you're not going crazy, but I think we need to talk to your friend, Jake. Maybe you said something to him that can help make sense of this whole thing. Do you have any way of contacting him?"

"I do, but his number is in my phone and I don't have it right now."

"Let me call Kelan and see if he can hack into it."

As Porter got on his phone and talked to Kelan, a knock sounded at the door before it opened and Vance walked in. "Hey Sweetness, I'm so glad to see you're okay. You just about gave me a heart attack back there," he leaned down and hugged me, kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to scare you both. Trust me if I knew what was causing this, I would do something to fix it myself." I was relieved that seeing Vance after what we did together wasn't as weird as I thought it would be, and I was grateful.

"Who is Porter talking to?"

"Kelan. He's trying to hack into my phone to get Jake's number, so I can talk to him."

As Porter spoke with Kelan on the phone, I filled Vance in on everything that I had just told Porter. "If anyone can hack into your phone it’s Kelan." Vance assured me with a smile.

After Porter disconnected his call, he walked over to me with his phone in one hand and a piece of paper with Jake's phone number on it in the other. "You got it!" I practically yelled out, surprise and joy at possibly finding out a piece of information I so desperately needed.

"Kelan's very talented." Porter replied.

Picking up the phone, I put it on speaker, so Porter and Vance could hear, and then made the call. He answered a few rings later. "Hello?"

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