Page 31 of Protecting Keira

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After I woke up a couple of hours later, I found Keira snuggled to my chest and Vance snuggled to her back. Smiling to myself, I stroked her hair, knowing she really enjoyed everything we did with her. When she stirred in her sleep, I looked down at her only to see her face contorted like she was in pain. "Baby? Keira?"

Moving more violently, she jumped up to a sitting position, causing Vance to jump up, too, as she gripped a hold of her head and sobbed over and over, "no, no, no, no!"

"Keira!" I shouted at her, trying to get her to wake up.

But then I realized she was awake when her eyes found mine full of fear as she cried out. "It hurts Porter, God it hurts so bad, what's wrong with me?"

Vance quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed his phone to call the local doctor Tanner had told us about and explained to him what was going on. "He's on his way now," Vance said as he disconnected the call.

Holding her in my arms, I rocked her back and forth, kissing her and trying to calm her down as Vance moved about the room, cleaning up and putting some clothes on so he could greet the doctor when he showed up.

Sitting in my lap, Keira gripped her head in pain and I’d never felt so useless and unable to help her as she sobbed uncontrollably in my arms.

Hearing the doorbell, Vance took off for the door and returned only moments later with the doctor in tow.

"I'm going to need to examine her, so you'll have to move off the bed," he told me as I moved out from under her with a blanket wrapped around me. He eyed us and the room suspiciously. "Just what the hell was going on in here to have her in such a state?" He asked as he tried to get her hands away from her head and lie her down so he could get a look at her.

"We were asleep." I snapped, knowing he probably thought we did this to her, but then I thought better of it and just answered his question. "She woke up suddenly and started gripping her head in pain, she had the same thing happen to her earlier today but not this bad. She said she had a bad headache come on real fast and we just chalked it up to stress, but this, this is something different."

"I'm going to need one of you to hold her arm so I can give her a sedative to calm her down," he said, trying to hold her arms as she thrashed about in pain.

Holding her arm, so he can give her the shot, I tried soothing her with my words. "Shh, it's going to be okay baby, you're going to be okay."

As tears fell from her eyes, she slowly began to relax from whatever it was in the shot he gave her, but the fear she felt still remained. "What's wrong with me, Porter? I'm so scared." Then her eyes slide shut, leaving me with my heart practically beating out of my chest at what I just witnessed.

Running my hands through my hair while the doctor examined her, I looked over and see Vance with the same worried expression on his face as well. "Did she have these, kind of episodes when you were together before?"

"No, I don't know what the fuck this is, but it scares the ever-loving shit out of me to see her like this."

"She's relaxing comfortably now." The doctor announced after a few minutes, walking towards us. "I was thinking that she might have had some sort of seizure, but her pupils are responding, so I don't think it was that. You say this happened to her earlier today as well?"

"Yes, but it was very brief, nothing like this. What's wrong with her, doc?"

"Well, I can't find anything physically wrong with her, but I would recommend taking her in for an MRI just to be sure. It can see what's going on inside her head a lot better than I can guess. It's the only way to know for sure exactly what's going on with her. Do you want me to call the hospital and tell them you're on your way while she's sedated?"

Vance and I shared a look, and without a word he leaned down to grab his shoes and put them on. "Yes, please call them and let them know we're bringing her in now."

After three hours passed by, a doctor finally came into the waiting room to see us. Just as he walked in Vance's phone went off. "Excuse me I need to take this," he said, getting up and moving to the back of the room.

I turned my attention back to the doctor when he spoke. "My name is Dr. Anderson." Shaking his outstretched hand, we both sat. "I've run just about every test I can think of on Miss Watson but haven't found anything that would cause the kind of episode that you and Dr. Peterson described to me. Her MRI is clear. Her blood work also came back clean."

"So, you're telling me that nothing is wrong with her? How can that be? You didn't see her; she was in so much pain." I explained to him, scared that I was going to take her home and something worse was going to happen when she had another episode.

He shook his head. "I’m not saying that I don’t believe you. I’m saying I can't find anything physically wrong with her." He let out a sigh. "Has she been through any sort of traumatic event in her life recently?"

"Yes, her father recently passed away."

And she was kidnapped by Pablo.

But that I was going to keep to myself. It did make me wonder, though, if he did something to her that she wasn’t telling me about?

"Well, I guess that could be what's causing her episodes, everyone does grieve in different ways. But if I had to guess I'd say that there's more to this than just her father passing away. I've seen this kind of thing go on with rape victims and ex-military with PTSD, so if I were you, when she wakes up, I'd be asking her the hard questions about anything like that happening to her." Getting up to leave, he turned back to face me. "Until you can get her to open up and heal from whatever it is, she's suffering from... I'm afraid her episodes will only continue to grow worse from keeping whatever it is causing this inside. I hope you know what I'm saying to you here, Mr. Jensen."

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