Page 2 of Protecting Keira

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After we arrived backat the hotel and check in, I spotted Keira talking with an FBI Agent. As if on a silent cue her eyes turned to meet mine. Just like they always did. Knowing I need to just man the fuck up and rip this band-aid off, I headed across the room, ready to open Pandora's box and pray to God I didn't lose what's left of my heart.

As I walked up, I could see her pulse practically pounding on the side of her neck, letting me know I could still affect her the way I always did.

No matter how hard she would most certainly try and convince me I didn’t.

Finally turning to acknowledge me, after giving me several side glances, I spoke up and held her attention to where it should have always been.

On me.

"Excuse me Agent Walker, do you mind if I steal Keira away now, or do you need to keep her longer?"

Looking at me and then to her, I could tell he was a smart man and quickly understood that we had some unresolved matters we needed to attend to. "I think we can pick this up tomorrow morning. Miss Watson here could probably use some rest." He looked pointedly at me as if he were her father, warning me.

Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I assured him. "And I plan on making sure she gets it." Directing her away from Walker and to the elevators as they opened up for us to get in, I felt her body stiffen against mine when I held her close to me. I moved my hand down to her lower back, guiding her into the elevator as the doors shut behind us, closing us in.

Pushing away from me, she moved to the other side of the elevator. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing coming in here and taking over like you own me, Porter?"

Moving in closer, I towered over her smaller five-foot seven frame with my six two muscular one. I knew just by the look in her eyes right now that if I were to do what I really wanted to and pressed her up against this wall and took her, she would have no say in the matter. Her body, that I would be in total control of, would decide for her. She was probably one of the only women I had ever met that I could really be myself around.

Including my desires.

She always seemed to feed off of my commanding tone, just waiting on baited breath for the next order from me, and I was only too happy to give it. "That’s because I still do own you and you damn well know it," I stated, moving in even closer, caging her body in.

"I can't do this. I thought I could, but I can't." The tone in her voice comes out shaky.

"What can't you do, sweetheart?"

"This!" she said, pointing back and forth between us. "I thought I could... I thought I could just sit down with you and explain everything. Why I did what I did, but I can't do it and keep my promise that I made."

Shaking my head, I tried to understand the gibberish she was talking and backed away from her a step to give her some room. "What are you talking about? What promise to who?"

"To Jake!"

Feeling jealousy rear its ugly head when it had no right to, my next question came out a little harsher than I intended it to. "And just who the fuck is Jake?"

At that moment, the doors opened up onto her floor and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "He's my fiancé, Porter." Then she stalked off down the hallway, leaving me stunned for a moment before I snapped out of it and charged down the hallway after her.

I caught up to her just as she was about to close her door in my face. "Let me in Ker, right now." I growled at her, inches from her beautiful face.

"Just let it go, Porter. Let me go. We are over. I've accepted that and now you need to."

Pushing my way through the door, I walked in rounding on her, shutting the door as I pushed her up against it. Leaning in closer, I flipped the lock, taking away her only escape route from me. "You cannot just drop that kind of a bomb on me and expect me to just walk away. When the hell did this happen anyway? I haven't seen shit about any engagement in the media."

When a smirk spread across her face, I realized my mistake.


"So, you've been keeping tabs on my life, Jensen?"

Knowing she only called me by my last name when she was about to make her way under my skin in some way, I tried not to let her.


"Don't change the subject. Besides, I can't turn a TV on, open a magazine, or get on the internet for that matter without Senator Watson's daughter being on the front pages. So don't go flattering yourself with any bullshit thoughts that I've been holding onto any feelings for you, sweetheart." Seeing the drop in her face and the tears that threaten to fall again, I knew that I'd gone too far. "Look, all I'm trying to say here...."

Pushing me away from her, with strength I had no idea she possessed, she cut me off. "Trust me Porter, I know you could give two shits about me anymore, so take your undeserving ass and get the hell out of my room!" She shouted, pointing at the door.


"That's right! You don't deserve to know shit about the truth of what's really going on in my fucked-up life! So just get the hell out! Now!" She screamed at me as we both just sat there breathing hard and staring at one another.

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