Page 27 of Her Demon Mate

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My voice is slightly gruff when I speak. I take a step towards her.

“Can I remedy that?” I ask her. She doesn’t look surprised or shocked. Instead, she simply raises an eyebrow.

A smile plays around her lips. The bakery is quiet. Tonnolun and the rest of the staff must have disappeared a while ago.

Elia inhales deeply, and I watch the movement of her chest rising and falling.

I take another step towards her.

“Well.” She cocks her head to the side. “What exactly would you like to know?”

Elia doesn’t wait for me to answer. She goes around the shop and places tables on chairs. Then she gets the broom out and starts to sweep the floor.

I am mesmerized by every movement she makes.

Her hips sway as she walks to and from the back of the store. Her legs are lean and strong, and her butt is nicely rounded. Then she does something that threatens to twist me in ways that I do not understand.

She pulls her long, black hair out of the braids it is in.

Her hair cascades down her back in a black veil, and it swings with every movement she makes. Elia walks up to me then, and the same smile plays around her lips.

“What would you like to know?” she asks me again, and her voice is softer and lower and throaty. The sound of it goes straight to my groin. She points to the sign she has turned around on the front door to the bakery.

“It is my lunch break right now, so whatever you want to know, you need to figure it out in the next thirty minutes.”

She is about to walk past me, back to the back of the store, but I grab her arm as she moves past me. I inhale her scent again. It is spicy and warm as it was before, but this time it is not tinged with fear. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think her scent was tinged with arousal.

“Thirty minutes is not nearly enough time for me to have my way with you,” I tell her, my voice much rougher than I intended.

Elia looks me up and down, and her gaze threatens to set me on fire. Her lips are parted as if she is about to speak. The bakery is so silent. And I am surprised that we cannot hear the noises of Sarziroch in this shop right now.

Instead, it feels like we’re insulated, protected from the outside world. Like we’re in our own little bubble, and no one outside exists.

“There’s plenty of time for me to learn what I want to know about you,” I find myself murmuring. “We have tomorrow, and the day after. But I’m not willing to wait for everything else I want.”

Later, I will spend hours trying to figure out who made the first move. But I can never be sure. All I know is that the next second, I am kissing her and she is kissing me back just as fiercely.

She lifts her hands to my shoulders and reaches to cup the back of my neck. I growl into her mouth from the feel of her there, and I move to part her thighs with my leg. I snake my tongue out, tracing the seam of her lips, and she parts them for me with a hungry groan.

The taste of her invades my senses. I try to remind myself to be softer with her, to let our first kiss be something tender and gentle, but an immediacy tinges everything about this. I need more, and I plan to take it.

We move quickly, and I am quite aware that anyone could walk by and see us right then.

But I don’t care.

All I care about is having Elia the way I want her.

Soon, I have her pressed up against the counter. She is sucking on my bottom lip, and one of my hand cups her ass while my other hand is threaded through her long hair.

She wants me as much as I want her.

The realization sends heat racing through my body. I press myself against her, until she is trapped between my body and the counter.

She wants me as much as I want her.

She rocks her hips against my groin then, because she can feel it. She can feel my arousal as much as I can smell hers.

Every movement sends pinpricks of pleasure rippling through my body.
