Page 134 of Shadows so Cruel

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“I will punish you for this,” he said, as if that was a threat and not my goal. “Stop thi—mmm…”

I pushed back onto his cock, a shudder spreading across my entire body with how his girth filled me, stretching neglected muscles to accommodate him. “You were saying?”

His eyes fluttered shut, his expression pulling taut as he lifted his hips. “Just… just get these shadows off me.”

“Isn’t this the perfect solution?” I whimpered when I sat more upright, carefully rocking on his length as I breathed through the demand of it. “You can’t hurt me like this, can you?”

He groaned, planting his soles and angling his legs, allowing him to lift me slightly with each of his thrusts. “Unbind me…”

They’d tied him down in the dungeons, hadn’t they? Had stripped him of all control, leaving him exposed and helpless. And yet, he pulsed inside me—the way my clit had when he’d cut me, bit me, choked me, revealing a truth not easily reconciled with one’s mind.

Hedidlike it.

Or perhaps it was the building of his anger he enjoyed. The memory of being at someone’s mercy, only to unleash it all in an act of sheer dominance? How to get him there, hmm? Maybe if…?

I rubbed my clit over the hard plane of his body, riding him as I reached one hand behind me. Back arched with a slight twist to it, I let my fingers roam down along my ass, wetting them on the creamy mess between us, and to his taut testicles. I fondled their smooth skin, cupped them, felt their weight on my fingertips. Fingertips that I stroked lower, lower…

Malyr’s deep, masculine groan shook the air, and tremors settled into those legs he shifted. He spread them wider, gave me better access. Knowingly? Instinctively?

Scattering caution and reluctance to the wind, I explored the area with my wet fingertips until they met soft, puckered skin. They circled it, stroked over it… dipped slightly inside the tight hole.

A grunt gulped from his mouth. Chest heaving, his shocked eyes found mine just as he writhed, every muscle in his body pulling taut beneath his skin. With how the shadows held him down, he only ended up bucking upward into me with quick, uncontrolled pulsations.

His lips curled into a snarl, but all that came through his barred teeth was another guttural groan, his face distorting into one of overwhelming pleasure. Probably because of the way I’d started to tease his ass, curling my finger, orbiting along the sensitive skin.

I wanted to push deeper, but… I couldn’t reach. Not without slipping off his cock, and the premise of that alone ripped a whimper from me as I bore down, seeking more friction.

Ivory. Smooth. Tapered.

I didn’t realize that I’d been staring at the knife until my other hand grabbed my discarded dress. Haphazardly wrapped around the blade, it created a soft hilt by which I held it, bringing it to my face. Could this reach?

Malyr stared up at me, but his eyes didn’t widen until I spit onto the polished bone handle. “Put that knife down, Galantia.”

I couldn’t help but grin as I once more arched my back, bringing the handle down behind me. When he fought anew, I dipped my finger back into his ass as deeply as I could reach, teasing the little hole, drumming it from the inside. Gods, how hard he grew inside me, his eyes once more clenching shut as he all but whimpered at the ceiling.

That was when I brought the end of the handle to his ass, rubbing it over the puckered skin. The more I teased it, the more he shook beneath me, panting heavily, sweat breaking on his forehead. At his next moan, I pushed inside, letting the sound swell into a deep, throaty groan.

The deeper I pushed the handle, the longer and harder his cock seemed to grow inside me. A cock he thrust upward under trembles that ransacked his entire body, his face contorting in pleasure like I’d never seen on his face. I adopted an even rhythm, thrusting the blade into him whenever I rocked forward, retreating some when I rolled back. Then I pushed it back in, turning it some, wiggling it.

“Please…” Malyr moaned as he shook his head, his eyes looking at everything but me. Everything but me. “Goddess, help me. Stop. I’m going to… I’m going to come.”

And whatever was wrong with that?

I kept going, fucking into him with more abandon, feeling how he twitched inside me. His testicles tightened against my wrist. His cock grew painfully long, his shaft pulsed.

Everything on Malyr convulsed—sinews, muscles, tendons. It all tightened, pressing against his skin as if it no longer fit whatever was building inside him. It burst with an upward thrust of his hips that seemed to roll back through his spine. He released inside me, rope upon forceful rope, which wrenched a pained shout from his mouth and a few stray tears from his eyes.

Eyes that finally looked at me, wide and glistening. He didn’t move, didn’t speak. Almost as if he was waiting for my judgment. Who was I to judge, the woman who enjoyed pain? Who was anybody to judge the way we enjoyed each other?

I simply removed the handle, tossed the blade somewhere into our nest, and rocked my pelvis while he was still hard inside me.

“Remove my bonds.” He swallowed audibly, a slight waver in his voice when he added, “Return my gift.”

Palm to his chest, I let his gift stream back into him. The bonds dissolved all on their own, the way his eyes flooded with pitch black darkness letting my muscles tighten. Would he grab my throat? Choke me until my vision speckled?

When he reached up for me, I expected a slap, but his fingers merely curled around my neck. Malyr pulled me down until my mouth landed on his. He kissed me, his palm stroking my ass and pushing me down on him, intensifying the pressure right where I needed it.

“I love you,” he whispered between kisses as he rolled his pelvis in tune with mine, sending those first flickers of energy into my clit.
