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“What?” Helius’s eyes shifted from gold to a glowing demonic red. “Why would she think that?”

Tears welled up in her multi-faceted eyes. “Because Mistress Elria angry about gargoyles.”

Drakkon let out a low growl. “Our mother doesn’t trust the gargoyles, but she wouldn’t overthrow Hecate over it.”

Damon hung his head with a groan. “Tell our aunt that.”

Shadows darkened Helius’s features. “She’s letting her paranoia rule her.”

Cadmus blew out a breath, grasping his short mop of hair by the roots. “They’ve gone too far.”

“Agreed,” Helius mumbled.

Frustration pounded a drum in Bennu’s already throbbing skull. “So what do we do?”

Drakkon thrust a fist into the air. “We tear that temple down!”

Panic solidified her veins. Her mates would get themselves obliterated if they went after their aunt. Then what? Bennu couldn’t wait thousands of years to see them again.

“No.” Helius frowned. “We have to be sensible about this. First, we alert Tan’yi’nug.”

Bennu shook her head. “He’s gone.”

Helius’s nostrils flared. “Where is he?”

“Our mother sent him to the lake of fire to spy on the gargoyles,” Damon answered for her.

Helius turned to their winged servant, his brows drawn. “Bastet, we need you to go to Tan’yi’nug. Tell him what has happened and that we need him to return right away.”

“Yes, yes, I go now.” She jumped off the bed and flew out the balcony doors with a squeal.

A sharp pain pierced Bennu’s chest as she watched Bastet fly into the darkened sky. Her legs felt weighted with stones when she walked onto the balcony. The city below was quiet, too quiet. Many of the street lanterns were out, and only a few houses were lit. The cobblestone streets were swallowed in the shadow, and she saw not a single soul moving, heard no voices. Strange.

“Something’s wrong,” she said on a breathy whisper. She could feel the evil spreading over the city like a poisonous fog.

“I know. We need to talk reason into our aunt,” Helius said at her back.

She feared it was too late to talk reason into anyone. “Something’s happening down there.” She rubbed her temples as the throbbing returned, intensifying, and she watched in horror as the few remaining city lights extinguished, blanketing the city in darkness.

“Fuck,” Helius whispered.

An unholy scream rent the air, followed by another, and another.

“Get back inside,” he hissed, digging his claws into her shoulders as he shifted into a giant protector. She didn’t need to be told twice. She ran inside with the others, chanting a protection spell while calling on her magic, but she couldn’t even summon a spark.

What happened to her magic?

She gasped when the candles in the room extinguished, bathing them in darkness.

“What’s happening?” she whispered, her heart hammering a drum in her ears.

“Chaos,” a sibilant voice answered back.

Bennu heard the howls of her mates ricochet in her skull. She spun in the darkness, looking into the red-rimmed eyes of a hooded witch, the only source of light coming from the witch’s outstretched, glowing hands. She had gray skin and long, brittle white hair to match her milky pupils.

“Sorceress,” she breathed, for she could sense the heat from the magic emanating from the creature in powerful bursts. Though she only saw one, she sensed the strength of five separate witches. How? Had they found a way to combine their magic? If so, that could make them more powerful than Hecate or Elria.

They were no longer in the chamber she shared with her mates, but a cold room of gray stone, and her mates were nowhere to be seen, their howls mere echoes that grew more distant.

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