Page 21 of Empress of Fae

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And yet... he had been a trusted member of Draven’s inner circle, I reminded myself.

But that didn’t mean he had to be a part of mine.

I looked slowly around the table. Was that what this was?

Merlin had declared she would convene a small meeting. She had not said of whom or for what.

Now, as I looked from face to face, I wondered if these were the only allies I could hope to find in Camelot—or perhaps even in all of Pendrath.

There were ten of us in all. And one of the ten was still looking at me with unmistakable animosity.

“I’ve just come from the castle,” Tyre said, rifling through his scrolls. “I had an opportunity to visit the library briefly as well. The king is fortunately not overly concerned with its contents.” He glanced at me reassuringly. “Nor does he have any inkling that you have returned, Lady Morgan.”

“Only those present in this room have that knowledge,” Merlin said quietly. “As well as a few of our most trusted priests and priestesses. And we have precautions in place to ensure it stays that way.”

“Of course, Merlin,” Tyre said quickly. “You may wish to begin with another topic than my research. I defer to you completely on this, as always.”

While it was reassuring to hear this—to see that Merlin was being treated with the respect and deference that I believed would always be her due—I had my own ideas as to where this meeting should begin.

“Wait,” I said, holding up my hand. “Where is my brother Kaye? He should be here.” I glanced at Merlin. “If at all possible. I know he is young, but—”

“Morgan,” Merlin said, her face slightly stricken. “I thought Lancelet had already informed you. Kaye is not in Camelot.”

I stared at her. “But... I heard him. He told me...” I shook my head. Now was not the time to spill the contents of my dream in hopes I’d be believed. “I need to see him. As soon as possible. No matter the risk. He is the reason I returned. The first and foremost reason.”

“I can understand that.” Merlin’s voice was gentle. “But—”

“He’s on the front lines,” Dame Halyna cut in.

My head shot towards her.

“Safe,” she clarified quickly. “At least, last we heard. But near the front lines on the border of Pendrath and Tintagel.”

The border I had seen in one of my dreams. I remembered the village on fire. The people’s screams.

“No,” I whispered.

“He is not fighting, as far as we understand.” Dame Halyna glanced at Sir Ector as if for confirmation, and he nodded.

“We’ve been told by our sources that Arthur is using him as a figurehead more than anything else,” Sir Ector chimed in. “Kaye is not required to fight. He is paraded in front of the troops as a reminder of what they are fighting for. But he is kept in relative safety, behind the lines in the camp.”

Kaye must have be hating every moment of it. Being forced to represent the king and royal family in a war he knew in his heart was completely wrong and unjust.

“From what we understand,” Dame Halyna said softly. “He is...cooperative. Arthur is pleased with his younger brother’s service.”

I snorted. “Pleased, is he?” I clenched my fists. I would show Arthur ‘pleased.’ “Arthur dares to send our younger brother—his heir—to the front lines, does he? It’s too dangerous.”

Was this why Kaye had called to me in my dream? Was he in more danger than Dame Halyna and Sir Ector were letting on?

“Not his heir for much longer.”

The words were said so softly, I might have been forgiven for not hearing them.

“What was that?” I demanded, looking across the stone table to where Guinevere sat with her eyes downcast. “What do you mean?”

Slowly, she lifted her eyelids to look at me from under long, dark lashes. “Merlin, I...”

“It’s all right.” Merlin rose hastily to her feet beside me. She put a hand on my shoulder lightly. “There was too much to tell you last night, I’m afraid, Morgan.”
