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I hold back a frustrated sigh. Apparently, even when I bring a date, I’m still stuck answering invasive questions about my personal life. I try to think of the least awkward way to correct her but then Violet jumps in.

“It’s actually fairly recent. But we’ve known each other for years.”


Violet leans forward conspiratorially. “Actually, I used to think he was a bit of a jerk. But then we ran into each other again a few months back and he just...swept me off my feet.”

She beams up at me like I’m her damn prince charming, and my brain just kind of stutters to a halt under the brilliance of her smile.

Then my brain comes back online with a vengeance. Before Violet can add more to our fictional backstory, I pretend to see someone I know across the room.

“Oh, I’m sorry, there’s someone we need to say hi to. We’ll catch up more at dinner.” I shake hands heartily with both Hank and Katarina, then grab Violet’s elbow and steer her across the room and out into the hallway.

I scowl down at her. “What thehellwas that?”

Her confident smile wilts. For a second she looks like a crushed flower. And then she straightens her spine and puts her hands on her hips. “Well, I’msorryI’m not a better fake girlfriend. I told you this was a bad idea, but you insisted, so I did my best—”

“What are you talking about?” I demand, keeping my voice low so no one will overhear us. “I never asked you to pretend to be my girlfriend. All I asked you to do was be my fucking date.”

“But you said...” she pauses, obviously replaying my words from earlier in her head. “Oh.Oh. Shit.”

Shit indeed.

Her eyes widen. “I’m so sorry, Gage. I’ll go tell them the truth—”

“No. I have too many important business contacts at this event. The last thing I need is them finding out about this farce from Hank or Katarina.”

Around us, the event staff are trying to gently herd people back into the ballroom and towards their tables so dinner can start.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, fighting back a headache.

“I really am sorry,” Violet says. “But in my defense, if you’d usedslightlyclearer language—”

I snap my head up and glare at her.

She closes her mouth, looking chastened.

I could punish her luscious, lying mouth for the trouble she’s caused me. I could just lean down andbiteuntil she learns to goddamnbehave...

I yank my thoughts away from the gutter they’re headed towards. “Here’s the plan. We will do the bare minimum to pretend we are a couple for the rest of the evening. And then we will never speak of this again, and you will never, ever,ever,do anything like this again. Understood?”

“Yes, Gage.” She lowers her eyes, like a naughty schoolgirl who’s been scolded.

And now I’m having fantasies of taking her over my knee and spanking her.

Fuck me.

I shake out my shoulders. “Right. Let’s do this.” I offer my arm, and she takes it as we re-enter the ballroom.

I am never doing a goddamn favor for a friend again.



If I thought Violet was distracting before, she’s a menace now. She’ll say something charmingly quirky, then wink up at me like it’s an inside joke. I know it’s fake, but that mischievous look in her eye gets under my skin. It makes me want to lean in and coax out every single one of her secrets.

“If you look at the economics of the situation, it’s clear the proposed regulation is a terrible idea,” Hank says. “All of my friends agree with me.”

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