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“Now’s the part where you give me a counter-offer,” Gage says, like we’re in some kind of bizarre college class, and he’s the tough but hot professor everyone has a crush on.

I cross my arms. “I’m not saying I’d do it. ButifI did it, I’d want you to be a co-signer. On a lease.”

He laughs. “Violet, if you’ve got a half a million you won’t need an apartment lease cosigner.”

“It wouldn’t be for an apartment. It would be for a business location.”

“Oh?” he asked, looking intrigued by something I’ve said for possibly the first time ever.

“I want to open a community art center,” I say.

“Oh.” He looks depressed by the thought. He sighs. “Fine. If you’re determined to lose money, I’ll have one of the company lawyers talk to you about registering as a non-profit. It’ll slow the bleeding a bit.”

“Your confidence is touching,” I drawl.

He grabs a legal notebook and jots something down.

“What are you writing?” I ask, alarmed.

He looks up at me like I’m crazy. “The contract. Obviously.”

“Contract?” I squeak.

Contract sounds so official.

Gage ignores me. “Looks like we have five deal points. You agree to act as my fiancée for six months. I agree to pay you half a million, cosign a one-year lease on your art studio provided the rent is within ten percent of the median rate for your industry, and throw in a consultation with one of my lawyers.”

“What’s the fifth deal point?” I ask warily.

“You move in with me for the duration of the deal.”

“What?” I yelp. “No. That’s entirely unnecessary.”

“Calm down. I’m not asking you to share my bedroom. You’ll have your own suite.”

I blink, temporarily hung up on the idea of a Manhattan apartment that hasmultiple freaking suites.

Gage straightens and hands me the notepad. “To answer your other question, no one will believe the engagement is serious if you don’t move in.”

Unfortunately, he’s right about that.

My hands close reflexively around the notebook. If I do this, I’ll be stuck with Gage Crawford 24/7. It will probably be the worst six months of my life.

But those six months could get me an opportunity I’d barely even let myself imagine before.

My heart starts beating fast. “What happens if I don’t sign this?”

“You’ll be fired by the end of the week.”

I gasp. “Youbastard.”

He shrugs, unrepentant. “You know too much now. I can’t trust you to keep a secret. Also, and I can’t stress this enough,you deleted every meeting I had scheduled in February.”

Shit. He found out about that.

I flush, trying to give him my most charming smile. “Oops?”

Gage is unmoved by my charm. “Sign the damn papers, Violet. Or figure out another way to pay your rent this month.”

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