Page 186 of Let's Get Naughty 2

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He’s surprised. Good for him.

“I’m dropping his case. I’ve reconsidered.”

“Not my concern.”

“I won’t leave until you listen. I never thought I’d find happiness again until a green-dressed goddess spilled water on her generous cleavage. But this is more than lust, Penelope.”

“Tell it to the judge.”

I shove his shoulder and reopen the front door. My leg’s throbbing from the minor burn as he remains in place.

“I feel compelled to protect you. Call it a Christmas miracle that my heart has come online after a year of solitude. I could fall in love with you.”



Her fingers tremble. She must give me permission before I touch those seductive curves and kiss her sweet lips. Once I taste heaven, she’s for keeps.

“Close the door.”

My girl obeys, and I clasp our hands together.

“Let’s start over. My name’s Bentley Barton. I’m a lawyer, but not an asshole. A position has become available at my firm, and you’re the perfect fit.”

“What are the job requirements?”

“Integrity, compassion, and a willingness to fight for your beliefs.”

Her eyes cringe, and I sweep her into my arms.

“Where’s the bathroom?”

“On the left.”

I carry her into the small space and set her on the laminate counter.

“Show me the injury.”

It’s killing me not to ravage her mouth.


“No need to be embarrassed.”

A slow smile lifts her lips, striking me straight in the groin. Pink flushes light her cheeks, and I grip the sink’s edge.

“May I lift the pants hem above your knee?”

She nods yes. My imagination runs wild at the thought she’s hesitant to drop her pajamas because she’s panty-free.


The fabric pushes up and reveals a minor burn above her knee. She reaches into a drawer and hands me Neosporin. Her eyes shut tight and I apply the antibiotic. I find a bandaid in the open compartment and cover the wound.


“I need an explanation, Mr. Barton.”

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