Page 99 of The Curse Defiers

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“I…” Why hadn’t I come up with a story before now? “I was at the carpet store with my boyfriend, and we had a fight over which color to pick. But he got really mad and then got physical.”

She glanced down at the red marks on my arms, then up into my face. “That must have been very frightening. Where is he now?”

“I don’t know. I got scared and took off running.”

“Marcus,” she called out the door. “Why don’t you call the proper authorities? And shut the door so our guest can have a bit of privacy.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said, then did as she requested.

“That’s really not necessary,” I said insistently, hoping I didn’t give myself away. “If you could just take me back to the carpet store, I can call my friend to ask her to come pick me up.”

She nodded. “If that’s what you’d prefer, dear. We’ll just sit here for a moment so you can catch your breath.”

“Thank you.” I was suddenly at a loss. While I’d succeeded in getting her to let me in the car, I couldn’t just ask her why she’d been at the warehouse.

“What’s your name?” she asked before I came up with an appropriate line of questioning.

“Ellie.” I said, wishing I’d come up with an alias.

She nodded slightly. “Such a sweet nickname. Is your given name Ellen?”


A slight smile tugged at her lips. “A family name?”

“Yes.” I rubbed my arms. “I’m so lucky you happened to drive by. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t imagine why someone as nice as you would be out here.”

“Business,” she said without emotion. She shifted and unfolded her hands, revealing blood splatters on her skirt.

Keep it together, Ellie. But what if David was lying in the warehouse right now bleeding to death and I was sitting here chatting with one of the people who had injured him? I forced out a slow, deep breath. “You must be a successful businesswoman if you have a limo and driver.”

“So you live in Charlotte?” she asked, ignoring my statement. Her question had the tiniest amount of bite.


“What neighborhood? We can just drop you off at your home. No need to call your friend.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t know it.”

“I’ve lived in Charlotte my entire life and I know this city like the back of my hand. Try me.”

I stared at her.

“Ellie, why don’t you tell me why you’re really here?”

My racing heart nearly flung itself from my chest. “Excuse me?”

“You’re right. I am a businesswoman and my time is valuable. I’m sure yours is too. So why don’t we skip all of this tedious deception and cut to the chase.”

I sat up straighter and looked into her light gray eyes. “Agreed.”

“As with every business transaction, we must come to an arrangement that benefits us both. You haven’t made any attempt to rob me, so I must surmise that you have some questions for me.”

“And what do I have that you want?”

“Ellie,” she said in a stern voice. “Or should I call you Elinor Dare Lancaster?”

My stomach dropped to my feet.

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