Page 140 of The Curse Defiers

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“Ellie wanted to make sure her friend was okay,” David volunteered, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“I’m going to go check on something in my truck,” Collin mumbled as he walked away.

The house gave a loud creaking sound before one side caved in.

“What happened, Ellie?” Tom asked in his official voice.

“Do you want the report-friendly version or the truth?”

He hesitated. “Truth.”

“It was a demon. It killed Myra and started the fire.” Grief stabbed my heart, but my tears were dry. Tears wouldn’t bring her back.

Tom put a hand on my arm. “God, Ellie. I’m sorry.”

I nodded, pressing my lips together. “The demon was attacking one of the boarders when we found it.” I searched the crowd and pointed to Sarah when I caught sight of her next to a second ambulance. “She was pretty freaked out. The demon has impersonated Myra, so I’d appreciate it if you could do something about that.” I cleared my throat. “For the report. Myra deserves better than for the town to think she attempted murder.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” He looked over at the fire, then back at me. “And the Raven Mockers?”

“The demon impersonating Myra was controlling them and it just fled. I hope they’re gone too, but it won’t be forever.”

“Then we’ll hope they don’t come back for a long time.” He started toward Sarah.


He turned back to me.

“You’re going to find a total mess at the botanical gardens.” Although I hoped Tsagasi cleaned some of it up along with the weapons.


I didn’t answer and he turned away, muttering under his breath.

David tugged me tighter to him. “I guess this means we’re moving for sure. But we didn’t find all of your father’s notes.”

“We don’t need them. We’re making our own rules now.” I looked up at him. “Collin and I have officially broken all allegiance with the gods. This is far from over.” I offered a pained smile. “It’s only just begun.”

“We’ll be prepared. You know I’m on your side.”

“What about the Guardians? Do we have to worry about them coming back?”

“I don’t know, but I know we pretty much decimated their core group. All the people there tonight were the higher-level members. They might rebuild, but hopefully it will take years.”

I nodded. It was the best I could hope for.

David’s attention drifted to Collin. He sat on the back of his pickup looking more lost than I’d ever seen him. “He needs you right now, Ellie.”

I jerked my gaze up to meet David’s.

“You pickedme. But Collin is floundering right now, and he’s your partner. The three of us will be working closely together, and we all have to trust each other. I know your heart. I have faith in you.”

I placed a gentle kiss on the corner of his bruised lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now go talk to him.”

I pushed through the now thinning crowd, stopping next to Claire, who huddled next to an obviously shaken Drew.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know it was Myra sooner, Ellie,” Claire whispered through fresh tears.

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