Page 36 of Arranged Silverfox

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Sadness settled over me as I thought about not being in my kitchen for months. My kitchen is my emotional and creative sanctuary.

Jasmine grasped my hand. "It'll be okay. You're going to figure this out. You always have a plan."

I forced a smile. "I hope so. You won't believe the first event we are attending. It's—"

"Becca," Cassie, one of my employees, called as she held the door open.

"We're getting slammed out here. Can you help us out for a second?"

I turned to Jasmine. “It’ll be a couple of minutes but help yourself.” I gestured to the fresh tray of cookies.

Jasmine grinned and grabbed one. “Don’t mind if I do.”

I wiped my hands on my yellow apron and ducked under Cassie’s arm, stepping out into the cafe.

I cleaned half a dozen tables, refilled the napkins and sugar packets, and offered customers coffee and iced tea refills. One of my favorite regulars, Olivia, and her son Joey sit at one of the tables by the window.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I refilled her coffee.

She held up her finger while she swallowed a bite of cupcake. "I'm doing good."

Olivia Green was in her mid-thirties and lived in Dover with her husband and toddler son. She was pretty, with long dark brown hair, green eyes, and a heart-shaped face. She conducted herself with an air of quiet certainty that I appreciated.

"I heard you started a business," I said.

Olivia's eyes lit up. "I did! I'm so proud of myself. I never thought I could do something like this, but here I am."

I smiled. "That's amazing!"

Olivia opened a small bookstore on the main street. The hours are limited because she has Joey to look after. Still, the selection is a thoughtfully curated mix of contemporary fiction, new releases, and children’s books about various topics. The storefront window is colorful and bright, encouraging customers to “Spring into reading.”

"You're really inspiring," she told me.

"Me?" I arched my brows in surprise.

"Yeah, you're only twenty-two, right?” she asked.

I nodded.

Olivia continued, “And you run a successful business." She gestured around. "This place is perfect. When I felt like giving up on my bookstore, I would think of you and all the things you’ve accomplished in such a short amount of time."

My throat tightened. "Thank you, I never knew you saw me that way."

“A lot of people do. Dover’s better with you in it,” Olivia said.

"Thanks. That’s so kind of you! I'll talk to you soon." I said, unsure of what to do with so much praise.

"Oh, before you go, do you have any Oatmeal Scotchies? They're my brother's favorite cookie."

“Yes, we have them.”

Olivia ordered a dozen, and after I rang her up, I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed back to the kitchen.

"How's everything out there?" Jasmine asked.

"Well, the tables are clean, everything's stocked, and the customers are happy."

“Look at you, being a cookie titan. I love seeing you in your element,” Jasmine quipped.

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