Page 34 of Arranged Silverfox

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I rolled my eyes. “What was I supposed to do? Let you languish during your hour of need?”

“I don't know,” Jasmine yawned.

“I hope whoever did this to you rots in prison before rotting in hell,” I grumbled.

I turned to Jay, “Did you get the license plate or anything?”

“No, it all happened so fast,” Jay said.

“You look furious,” Jasmine noted.

“I’m more than furious. I’m fucking livid,” I growled.

“Okay, now I know you’re mad. You never cuss!” Jasmine said.

"The guy came out of nowhere and slammed into the passenger side of the car." He wiped a tear from his cheek. "I'm so sorry this happened, Jasmine," Jay lamented.

Jasmine reached out her left hand and squeezed his. "It's not your fault, Jay."

He nodded, but I could tell he still felt responsible.

Sebastian leaned forward, "Let me know if you need a good lawyer to sue for damages."

I tried to hide my shock that Sebastian, of all people, was trying to help.

"Oh, thank you. But I don't think this guy has any money. I'll be happy knowing he's locked up and can't hurt anyone else," Jasmine replied. She stared at him for a couple of seconds, sizing him up.

Sebastian smiled at her. "That's very noble of you."

He walked over to my side and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder before digging a business card out of his back pocket and handing it to Jay.

“This is my friend Michael’s card. He’s a great lawyer. Don’t feel like you need to give him a call or anything. But, if you decide that’s something you want to do, I can talk to him about taking you two on pro-bono,” Sebastian explained.

Jay grinned and tucked the card in his shirt pocket. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it,” he said.

We stayed a few minutes longer. It took everything in me not to transform the plastic chairs into a bed and crash there, but I knew Jasmine needed her sleep.

"You need to get some rest, Jasmine," I told her. She nodded and closed her eyes.

“I'll be here to check on you in the morning," I reassured her.

I turned to Jay, "Call me immediately if her condition changes."

"I'll be here all night," he replied. He glanced over at Jasmine. His eyes were brimming with love. It comforted me to know that Jasmine had someone as kind as Jay looking out for her. Maybe I wouldn’t be the only person in our friend group getting married soon.

We left the hospital. The night sky was dark as velvet. The city lights obscured the stars. Neither of us spoke until we reached the car.

"Thank you." I leaned my head against the leather headrest and closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath for the first time in two hours.

"For what?"

"For calming me down and coming with me."

Sebastian smiled. “Anytime.”

He kissed my forehead, and we drove off into the night.

A couple of weeks later, I laid a mound of sugar cookie dough onto the long, silver kitchen counter. I was deep in preparation for the next Farmer’s Market. My stall at the Market paid off, and customers who found me at the Farmer’s Market were now becoming Cookie Cove regulars. I sprinkled some flour onto the rolling pin as I prepared to roll the dough out. Sugar cookies are my best-selling cookies. I think it is because I put the right amount of cinnamon and nutmeg in them to give them a unique flavor. Also, I use the fattiest butter I can lay my hands on.

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