Page 4 of Zorion

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“It’s better if you just move along,” I say, pointing in the closest direction to get off our land that’s not our house. “And give that back.”

He chuckles, another sound that does something to my body that it shouldn’t. Instead of making my muscles weak like his deep, rich voice does, his laughter gives me the feeling something’s going to happen, like I’m going up a roller coaster. His eyes flash—literally flash—in the sunshine as he smirks down at me. He doesn’t need to say that if he wants the little figurine, it’s already his. But he pops it back into my shirt pocket, his fingers barely brushing the top of my breast.

The next thing I know, I’m in his arms, cradled like a baby against his rock-hard wall of a chest. Talk about intoxicating. He smells like a fresh sea breeze, leather, and something smoky and dark I can’t place, but don’t hate. For a split second I find myself leaning against him, limp and safe in his strong arms.

“What the hell are you doing?” I demand, coming back to my senses and whacking him in the middle of his snakeskin vest.

I bite my lip against the pain in my hand. He may as well be made of stone and he’s acting like I don’t weigh much more than a feather pillow as he tightens his grip around me.

“You’re clearly hurt, Kara. Your ankle is swelling to the size of a cantaloupe and you can barely stand. It wouldn’t be very nice if I just left you here all alone.”

“I didn’t ask for your help,” I say stubbornly, forcing myself to stay stiff in his arms.

“You didn’t need to. Now which way is home?”

I’d already walked about a half an hour before I tripped. There’s no way I’d make it home without crawling, and the sun’s on its way down. There really are snakes and the occasional mountain lion out here, so struggling home on my own really isn’t option.

I grunt and point in the right direction. His next laugh vibrates through me, making my skin tingle. Zorion starts walking toward the house, his feet as sure as if he’s walked this forest a thousand times. He’s like one of the mighty trees that rise far above us. Nothing can topple him.

I relax a little bit against him, resting my cheek against his chest. It really does feel good to be enveloped securely like this, his hand pressed against my side, tucked into the cradle of his arms. Like I’m something precious and that nothing can go wrong while he’s holding me. That’s not something I’m used to and I have to admit that it feels good.

“You can just drop me off at the fence,” I grumble, my voice at odds with the way I’m nestling against him.

“We’ll see,” he says with another laugh.

Chapter 3


I stop dead when I see her, quickly taking on my copperhead form when she turns around. Do I really want to get involved with an injured human, after all?

Yes. Yes, I did. This human anyway. She’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Her long, chestnut-colored hair is tied back, but strands hang loose around her small, perfect face. A face that’s wracked with worry and pain, two emotions I’m just as likely to inspire in a human as I am to eradicate them.

With this one, all I want to do is make all her troubles go away so that I can be the most important thing in her life.

Stunned at this thought, I start to slither away. Surely not? It’s one thing to be intrigued by a human woman, but the feelings that are threatening to overwhelm me are quite another. Then I get this feeling that can’t be ignored. I turn back into my true form and wait for her to notice me watching her. Surely something will happen to change these urges I’m feeling.

She turns and meets my eyes, which are locked on her. No power in Hell could have made me look away. Hers are the same blue as the sky and widen as she takes me in. She’s brave, this little scrap of a thing. Men twice her size have screamed in terror at the sight of me.

Instead, she pretends she isn’t scared at all and tells me off for trespassing. I’m drawn to her like the bees are to a flower, and when I’m kneeling at her side, I take in a deep, slow breath. Up close she smells just like wildflowers, honey, and something else that further stirs up my urges.


As I take her injured ankle in my hand, the feeling of her soft skin against mine nearly makes me growl. I don’t merely want to care for her, this little broken bird—I want so much more. I want to make her mine, to breed her, to keep her forever. No human has ever made me feel like this before … There’s something about this one’s soft body and eyes that are full of courage and barely restrained fury. How is it possible that a mere human is making me feel this way that I’ve never felt for beings of my own kind? It’s notimpossiblefor a demon to choose a human mate, but as the favorite son of Lucifer, I’m not sure it would be acceptable.

But she’s already mine. There’s no turning back, despite the possible consequences from the supreme ruler of Hell.

I wrap her foot to stabilize it. Since starting my tenure with the Legion, I’ve gained some expertise in patching up broken bones and torn flesh on the many battlefields I’ve fought on. She’s definitely got a sprain, and even as she struggles to her feet, I can see she knows she won’t make it wherever she’s going without my help.

Help I’m more than ready to offer.

As I tend to her, I can’t stop sniffing her and finally, I hone in on something above her left breast, in her pocket. Plucking out a small bee made of a smooth, honey-colored substance, I press it to my nose.

Thisis the source of that scent that led me to her—or is it? While it smells delicious,sheseems to be the true source of it. Her hair, her body, her very essence makes me crave a taste of her.

Kara. Even her name gives me a rush of that need to possess her.

She begrudgingly agrees to let me carry her home, as if she has a choice. As I’m walking with her soft curves pressed against my chest and her breath against my neck, that scent drifting up to fill my nostrils, my cock starts to rise. And it’s not just any hard-on, but the biggest, stiffest erection I may have ever had. It pulses against my leather pants, nudging into her backside.

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