Page 11 of Harbinger

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But what he may not know is that I’m a nosy fucker.

Getting up quietly, I gently pad over to the door, pressing my ear against it.

“I just need more—no, you’re not listening to me. I think just a little—” His voice cuts in and out as I try to listen, and I can tell he’s pacing the room.

His voice stops, and a loud groan is all I need to hear to send me back to the couch, waking Shiloh up as I pretend I’ve been here the entire time.

“You’d be a really shitty spy,” Ronan tells me as he walks out of the room, his eyes dark and moody.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

“Sure. Anyways, we need to go somewhere.”

“Where?” My interest is piqued. I’m always down for a cool adventure.

“Somewhere. I can’t say right now.”

“Oh, that sounds ominous. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

“It doesn’t matter how you feel about it. The real question is, do you trust me?”

I think about it for a little while as I eye him. His beautiful eyes look almost onyx, and they never leave mine. I feel myself caving under the intensity of them. “I’m not sure,” I answer. But I think I do. I’m not sure why. I feel like I shouldn’t. But there’s just something about him that makes me feel safe.

He could have slit my throat easily last night. He could have poisoned my food this morning. There are so many moments he could have harmed me, yet all he did was rescue me from a terrible situation.

I think I have to trust him. But my sense of self-preservation has never been high.

“I think you do. So, because you trust me, you’re going to do exactly what I say, okay Princess?”

A chill runs through me. “Don’t call me that.”

A smirk creeps onto his handsome face, and I hate it.

“You’re going to get your things. We’re leaving in five minutes. You hear me? Five minutes, and we’re downstairs getting into a car.”

“What about six?”


I salute him, heading to my room. I’m not sure how long we will be away, but I assume it won’t be long. I grab my backpack, stuffing it with some essential items I may need. If I’m not allowed to know what’s happening, the least I can do is be prepared.

Next, I fill Shiloh’s bowls with food and water. It’s all he should need, and if I happen to be away for longer, I’ll just have Adam feed him.

Shit, Adam. I text him to let him know everything is okay and I have some things to take care of for my parents’ estate.

Sliding the backpack on, I head back to Ronan, who already has his shoes on, ready to go.

I kiss Shiloh’s soft little head on my way out.

The walk down to the front door is silent. Even Ronan’s footsteps seem too muted. It’s unsettling, but I push the thoughts back. It’s like he floats over the surface, and something about it reminds me of a predator.

“You sure you can’t tell me anything about what’s happening?” I ask him.

I understand that I’m an idiot. I understand that a lot of people wouldn’t trust this man. I’m not sure why I do.

I think I should be a little more scared of death than I am.

“Nope,” his jaw pops, his voice dripping with annoyance.
