Page 39 of Sparrow

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We walk out together, and Charli gives them a speech we prepared. I clutch Aspen’s hand in men while we stand there listening. We opted out of questions, but of course, the crowd of hungry vultures start spitting them out.

“Is it true that you were fired for your involvement with the MorningStar MC?

“Was this all about your engagement to the late Miss Turan?”

“Did you kill her to marry your mistress?”

That one makes me snap my head at the direst who slung it like the grenade he knew it would be. I bit my lip because I would not give him the satisfaction of an answer, but he grinned at my demeanor.

“Thank you for your time.” Charli ushers back inside.

“Good job not reacting to that asshole.” I snort.

“Oh, he did. Just not verbally.” Aspen says.

I twist my neck, trying to loosen the knots of tension I feel. I look around the station one more time and commit it to memory. If need be, the next time I walk in here, it’ll be as a civilian.

“Bittersweet, huh?” I smile down at Aspen.

“It is. But I’m ready to start our new life.” I kiss her softly, and flashes break the moment.

“Fucking pricks.” I move us through the station to the back docks, where I’ve parked my truck.

We say our goodbyes to Hannah as she gets on her Harley, speeding away before we get into our truck. The drive over to the clubhouse is quiet. When we get there, the environment is the complete opposite.

“CHAOS!” Charli yells for her husband, and I chuckle, understanding how he got his road name.

A banner is hanging from one corner of the ceiling, and the man in question is up on a ladder, looking guilty as hell.

“You’re early.” I ignore him and tilt my head to read the banner.


Well, shit. This is for me? I look at Aspen, who is holding her mouth to hide her laughter.

“Did you know about this?” She shakes her head.

“Go away, come back in two hours.” Chaos waves at the door.

“Malachi?” I turn at the sound of my name.

“Hi,” I look at the woman who broke down the first time I came here.

“Milly, right?” I looked from Aspen to her to make sure I got the name right.

“Yes. Do you have a moment? I’d really like to explain what happened last time.” I shake my head, and her face falls.

“No, sorry. Of course, I have all the time in the world now. I just mean you don’t have to.” She sighs in relief and nods.

“I know, but it helps. Please.” I look at Aspen, who shrugs.

“Ok, on one condition.” Both women look at me weirdly, and I chuckle.

“It’s been a long fucking week. Can we do this over a beer?” They laugh at me.

“That I can help you with.” Darius comes up behind his wife with his son in his arms.

She takes the baby who’s fussing and reaching for her.

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