Page 106 of The Pucking Wrong Guy

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He held up his hands. “Alright, sunshine. Let me clean up the floor and then we can talk. Please don’t move or you’ll cut yourself.”

A wave of guilt hit me that I was snapping at him so much, but my brain was fuzzy and my heart was pounding, and I was afraid he wasn’t joking…

“There. All done,” he said as he finished. “You want your waffles now?” He slid a plate of blueberry ones towards me.

Obviously, he was being obtuse now. And trying to butter me up because blueberry waffles were my favorite.

“No, Ari. I want to know why I have a ring on my finger and you’re calling me “wifey!” I snarled.

“Because we got married last night in Vegas, obviously,” he responded calmly, holding up his own ring clad finger.

“What did you just say?” I asked in disbelief.

“I’ve got the certificate locked in our safe, and oh! I have a video. You’re going to love it.”

He eagerly pushed me toward the couch, setting me down and snuggling in beside me. I was too in shock to move.

With a theatrical flourish, he pressed a button on the remote, and the room was instantly filled with the lively strains of "Viva Las Vegas." The screen flickered to life, and my jaw dropped…

The first scene captured us in front of a kitschy wedding chapel. There I stood, in a short, tight white dress I’d never seen before…clutching a bouquet of roses with a smile that teetered somewhere between tipsy bliss and unabashed joy. Beside me was Elvis—or at least a convincing impersonator—decked out in the King's iconic jumpsuit and shades, officiating our unexpected union.

It was obvious I was blitzed out of my mind. My eyeliner was smudged all over my eyes, my hair was wild and out of control…and I was swaying in place like I was going to pass out at any minute. How had anyone there thought a wedding was a good idea! Ari, on the other hand…he looked perfect–his eyes clear, his hair artfully tousled, no sway in his walk…Like he was completely sober.

Staring at me like I was his world. No, I wasn’t going to think about that.

When Elvis had asked, "Do you take this man to be your husband?" I’d literally slurred “hell yeah” and pumped my fist.


The montage then transitioned to Ari and I in a gleaming white limo, cruising down the dazzling Las Vegas Strip, the night sky alive with brilliant, flashing lights. We'd thrown open the sunroof, the wind whipping through our hair as we stood on the seats, holding onto the car's roof for dear life.

With the skyline of Sin City as our backdrop, we shouted, "Just married!" at the top of our lungs, our faces flushed with excitement. Ari proudly extended my hand, showing off the sparkling ring that now adorned my finger.

“There’s also a video of our helicopter ride,” Ari said eagerly, playing with the remote. I grabbed his hand.

“This isn’t a joke? You really took me to Vegas while I was black out drunk and married me?”

He nodded his head, his grin fading as his lips settled into a determined line. “Yep. And you said “yes,” sunshine, so you’re stuck with me.”

Anger and shock were warring with each other inside of me as I just stared at him. The rest of what he’d done had been enough that any sane relationship would have ended…but this. THIS! What was I supposed to do? My voice trembled as I demanded, "Why would you do this?" My words were laced with accusation."I never get drunk. Never let go. But I felt safe enough with you to do that, and then this? Took me to Vegas and married me?"

His face scrunched up with frustration. “You told me last night, you didn't want us to break up. You told me you didn't want it to end! SoImade sure it didn't.”

His voice was completely resolute.

"Ari, people don't do this! How did you expect me to react? This is fucking insane! First what happened with Clark…and now this? How could you?"

Ari's eyes bored into mine, his conviction unwavering. "Because we're soulmates, Blake. You and I are meant to be together. And now you can’t leave me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My disbelief poured out in a scornful laugh. "People get divorced all the time, Ari. You can't just...trap me in a marriage because you think we're soulmates."

He stepped closer, his voice a fervent whisper, each word heavy with conviction. "Not us. I'm never letting you go."

I turned away from him, unable to bear the weight of his declaration. Conflicting emotions roiled within me, and I knew I needed space to sort through them. Without another word, I fled to the guest room, my heart pounding in my chest. The door slammed shut behind me, echoing my tumultuous feelings.

Inside the dimly lit room, I leaned against the door, my breathing erratic. Tears stung my eyes as I grappled with the reality of the situation. Ari's actions had left me feeling trapped and overwhelmed. I couldn't deny that a part of me wanted to be claimed by him; before all this had happened, I’d been dreaming of marriage…been dreaming of forever.

But not like this.

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