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Caller unknown.

“Hello?” I answered the call.

“Mr. West?” A newly familiar voice giggled through the phone. Addison.

“Ms. Easton.” The corner of my mouth twitched at the sound of her voice spilling warmly through the phone. “Did you find the champagne?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Yes, I did.” She bubbled, and I could practically feel her beaming through the phone. “It’s the best I’ve ever had.”

“Good.” I nodded. “I believe you deserve a little something special after the day I imagine you’ve had.”

“Yes, thank you again.” She slightly tripped over her words. “Uh listen…”

As I waited, there was a long pause. I shifted and felt my length tighten once again, knowing if she had called to take me up on my offer from earlier that I would now have to politely decline. From the slur in her voice, I could tell she was likely deep into the champagne bottle, and probably not thinking clearly. I felt a slight tinge of disappointment nag at me, knowing I was the one who had sent the bottle up there.

“I’m listening.” I replied.

“Oh, right.” She giggled again. “What was I saying?” She drew out her words as she struggled to remember. “Your bag! Yes. Your bag is still in my room, and I was thinking you’d probably want your things tonight, and as you know, I’ve had a very long day, and I’m extremely tired, and I’d like to go to bed.”

“Yes, of course. I’m sure you are. I’ll be right up to get my things.” I shook my head as I headed upstairs.

Behave yourself.

I knocked on the door softly and waited. No answer.

Maybe she’s already knocked out for the night. That would be unfortunate.

I had a relatively early flight the next day and figured if I didn't get my bag now, I might not be able to in the morning. There was no telling how late she’d sleep in after the day she’d had, and now especially after God knows how much of the champagne she’d finished. I’d hate to have to come by in the morning and wake her up, if she was even wake-able at that point.

I pressed my ear to the door, listening, and heard movement. I knocked on the door slightly harder this time, and was met with an immediate response.

“Coming!” I heard Addison's muffled voice call through the door.

I leaned against the door frame, and the door finally swung open. That delicious smell of amber and vanilla washed over me again.

She looked up at me expectantly with those wide green eyes. “Hi.” She said, her voice thick with anticipation.

“Hi.” I said teasingly, mimicking her tone.

The energy in the air was palpable.

She was still in her giant puffy white dress, with makeup streaks still smeared down her face; only now she only had one false eyelash stuck to her face, and seemed much more relaxed thanks to the champagne.

“For a runaway bride, I’m surprised you’re still in all your getup.” I said, motioning to her outfit.

She held the door open, leaning against it, and swung her arm, motioning defeatedly for me to come in.

I nodded and walked past her over to the dresser. I began pulling out the few things I had unpacked earlier in the day and started putting them back into my small carry on.

“Yes, that was the other thing I was hoping you could help me with.” She materialized next to me at the dresser, looking up at me.

I looked at her, confused.

“I’m stuck.” She said matter-of-factly.

“You’re stuck.” I repeated as my wheels turned.

“It took two people to get me into this whole thing, and now I can’t get it off by myself.” She motioned to her dress from top to bottom.

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