Page 68 of First Look Fiancé

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He pulled out a small box from his pocket and handed it to me. “Open it,” he urged.

Inside the box was a delicate chain with a beautiful diamond pendant. “It’s stunning,” I breathed.

“It was my grandmother’s. She said it brought her luck and happiness in her marriage. I want you to have it,” Bryce explained.

I was overwhelmed with emotions. Not only was I getting married to the love of my life, but he was also giving me a precious family heirloom with huge sentimental value. I hugged him tightly, feeling grateful for everything he had done for me.

“I’ll cherish it forever,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes once again.

It was a moment I knew I would never forget. We both knew that life would bring challenges, but as long as we had each other and accepted our little quirks, we could conquer anything. Night fell and even though I was happy that we agreed to face our futures together, I felt like there were still some boundaries that needed to be put into place.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, as he could see that I had something on my mind.

“Bryce, things between you and I ended because we had to publicize almost every bit and piece of our relationship. I don’t want that life, especially when the baby comes. I just want a simple life without the media prying,” I explained to him. I could see his jaw tightening and I hoped that he would be on the same page with me.

Bryce let out a sigh. "I understand where you're coming from, but you know how important my career is to me. I can't just disappear from the public eye," he said, his tone serious.

"I'm not asking you to disappear, Bryce. I just want some privacy. We can still attend events together and go out in public, but can we keep our personal life away from the media?" I pleaded with him.

Bryce thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay, I'll do it. For you and our family," he said, giving me a reassuring smile.

Relieved, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. You won't regret it," I said, feeling grateful for his understanding.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about our plans and dreams. We spoke about how we would raise our child and the kind of parents we wanted to be. It filled me with joy knowing that I had found someone who shared my values and beliefs.

We made our way back to our room. Bryce wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. "I love you so much," he whispered in my ear, his breath warm against my skin.

"I love you too, Bryce," I replied, feeling the warmth in his embrace.

“Maybe you and I should call it a night,” he said. I didn’t want the night to end yet. I had missed Bryce so much that I still wanted to spend time with him.

“You can spend the night here,” I told him and he looked at me hesitantly.

“Your dad and your brothers would be okay with that?” he asked.

“The brothers are gone and besides, my dad said you can stay the night,” I responded with a chuckle. It was refreshing to see the fearless Bryce finally afraid of something.

“Let’s go to bed then,” he said, looking at me with eyes filled with desire. We crept upstairs, the house already grown quiet, and went toward my bedroom.

I wanted to make love to Bryce, but as he pulled away and walked toward the bathroom, I knew it was time to rest. I got up from the bed and started to undress, feeling tired but happy. When Bryce came out of the bathroom, he saw me standing there in my underwear. He walked toward me, admiring my body.

"You're beautiful," he said, his eyes filled with desire. He kissed me passionately, his hands exploring every inch of my body. I moaned softly, feeling his hands on me.

He picked me up and carried me to the bed, laying me down gently. He started to undress himself, revealing his toned body. I couldn't help but admire him, too. He climbed onto the bed and kissed me again, sending shivers down my spine. Heat started radiating from my core, and my desire to sleep started to melt away. Bryce began to plant kisses all over my body and then stopped at my belly. He kissed the tiny baby bump, and I laughed.

“I can tell. It’s going to be a boy,” he said, and I laughed even louder.

“What makes you say that?” I asked him curiously.

“They say when a woman is pregnant with a boy, mothers radiate because boys love their mothers more,” he explained with a chuckle.

“That’s absurd. Girls love their mothers too,” I disagreed.

“So, you think it'll be a girl?” he asked.

“I say it’s a girl. That much I’m sure of,” I responded, even though I wasn’t sure at all.

He laughed as a way of calling my bluff. He muffled his laughter in my neck as things started to heat up. As his kisses on my neck moved to my mouth, we sunk into each other, the movement and hunger in our tongues confirming our renewed commitment to making this work. I couldn't help but forget all the bullshit we put each other through.
