Page 43 of Monster's Pet

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How could I go back to the dark elves, or even my own kind, ravaged by his passion, marred by his desire? Could anyone else worship me so thoroughly?

I pull back, if only to take in my captor, my savior, the creature that holds my chains and simultaneously drags me back from the darkness that threatens to swallow me whole.

“Thank you, Laiken,” I murmur, taking his face in my hands. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”



Ican’t help but feel apprehensive as Penny and I swim swiftly through the moonlit water toward the Isles.I still think this is a bad idea. Penny insists she needs supplies, however, and I can’t think of another way to get them. Even so, this journey worries me.

As the shore draws closer, I signal Penny to wait below the water while I poke my head out and make sure the area is deserted.

The dark water ripples around me as I emerge, silvery moonlight reflecting off the surface of the gentle waves as they chop lazily toward the shore. After a brief scan of the water’s surface, I turn my attention to the beach, which also appears deserted. I swim forward carefully to get a better view, but nothing changes.

As far as I can tell, there is no sign of human or elven activity on this beach or in the tree line beyond. I wait there for a full minute just to be sure, then swim back down to let Penny know the coast is clear.

When we reach the shore, I hurry Penny along, heading straight for the cover of the trees.

“Where to now?” Penny asks in a hushed tone.

“Through the trees for half a mile or so,” I respond in an equally quiet voice. “We’ll go straight through then turn south and approach the town from inland. They’ll expect us to come from the beach if they expect us to come at all. The other side of town should be lightly defended.”

The moon is bright tonight, giving us enough light to see reasonably well despite the leafy green canopy overhead. The further inland we go, the more mountainous the landscape becomes. Huge gray cliffs surround us before long, their rocky outcrops covered in greenery that looks almost black in the dim light.

We trek through the moonlit jungle for a short while, then turn south and make our way toward the settlement.

The town appears through the trees a few minutes later. This side of town, the one closer to the jungle, is where the slaves live. Their abodes are small wooden huts made from the abundant palm trees that cover the area. Further ahead, on the edge of the beach, the dark elves live in their stone manses, made by slaves using stone from the cliffs and quarries further inland.

Penny and I discussed this part of the plan before leaving. She will lead the way to the warehouses where she can get clothes, medicines, and other essential supplies. She grew up here and knows this town like the back of her hand, so it must be her that leads.

“See that long wooden building over there?” Penny whispers, indicating the building by pointing. “I can get most of what I need there, including a pack to carry everything with.”

“Lead the way,” I respond. “The sooner we get this done, the better.”

Penny nods and begins to sneak forward on tiptoes. As far as we can tell, everyone in town has retired for the night. There are a few torches lit here and there, spilling warm orange light onto the sides of the buildings, but no humans or elves are visible.

Penny leads us cautiously from hut to hut, darting from one hiding place to the next. We do our best to keep to the shadows and stay close to cover. We reach the longhouse quickly and stop behind a nearby hut. Penny peaks around the corner and then yanks her head back, cursing under her breath.

“Guards,” she whispers intently. “Two of them at the door.”

I poke my head around the corner cautiously to get a look. Sure enough, two tall elven males are standing outside the door, their faces lit softly by the torches hanging in sconces on either side of the doorway. They both hold wicked spears, and short swords hang at their belts.

The weapons don’t concern me as much as their magic. I can avoid weapons easily, but magical attacks can be tricky. All dark elves are capable of magic, though some are stronger than others. We’ll have to hope these two are of the weaker variety. Perhaps that’s why they’re so heavily armed.

Best not to get our hopes up, though. We’ll have to take them out silently somehow. I form a plan in my head rapidly, knowing we need to be quick here. Turning to Penny, I signal her to wait here, then hold up a stick to her.

“When I give the signal,” I whisper almost inaudibly. Then I imitate cracking the stick loudly. Penny nods in understanding. We need a small distraction, but not one that will alert the whole camp.

Next, I walk slowly around the other side of the hut and creep around to the side of the longhouse. Approaching the guards from the side of the longhouse, I signal Penny with a wave of my tentacle.

The stick snaps loudly, breaking the peaceful silence of the night and causing the two guards to jump.

“Who goes there?” one of them says as they turn toward the disturbance. In a flash, I step up behind them and wrap a tentacle firmly around each of their throats, squeezing until I hear their windpipes snap. They struggle silently for a moment, but soon they both lay twitching lifelessly on the ground.

Penny appears from behind the hut, dashing toward me quietly. We enter the warehouse cautiously, wary of more guards within. Luckily the building is abandoned, and Penny immediately grabs a leather pack and starts stuffing it full of supplies as I drag the bodies inside.

A minute passes as Penny hurriedly looks through crates and barrels, stuffing anything that could be of use into the leather pack. Another minute goes by as Penny continues to frantically gather supplies.

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