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“Blood test is positive for pregnancy,” a nurse says, stepping into the room.

My knees go weak and my eyes lock on my woman, who is unconscious in a bed that makes her look a million times smaller than she already is. When she gets out of here—not if, but when she gets out of here—I will never let her out of my sight again. She will be at work with me, at home with me, and there will never be a time I will leave her alone for something like this to happen again.

Moving to the bed, I place my hand on Fern’s stomach and wrap my hand around hers at her side.

“Sir, I’m going to need you to stand back so I can start an IV,” one of the nurses says, wrapping her hand around my shoulder.

“Sure,” I agree, moving back against the wall, watching as they all work. I don’t even know how long I stand there, but eventually, the nurses start to dispel from the room one-by-one until we are left alone. Sitting in the chair next to Fern’s bed, I take her hand in mine and rest my head against her side, praying for the first time in years.

“Is she okay?”

Looking up, I find my dad and mom standing in the doorway. “She hasn’t woken up. They started an IV in hopes to flush her system. The drug tests haven’t come back, but they are hoping it was just a sedative and she will wake up on her own.”

“Oh my,” my mom whispers, coming toward the bed with her mouth covered by her hand.

“She’s pregnant,” I tell them, watching my mom’s eyes fill with tears. I didn’t want to tell them like this, but I needed to tell someone. I needed to say it out loud to make it more real. “She doesn’t even know yet,” I say, resting my hand on her stomach.

“I’m...we’re so happy for you, son,” Dad chokes out.

“You gave her the ring,” my mom says, pointing at Fern’s left hand.

“She doesn’t know about that yet, either,” I mutter.

I hear my dad chuckle, and my mom mumbles, “Just like your dad. I don’t even think he asked me to marry him. It was like one day we were dating, and then he took me to the courthouse and married me. Lord, your grandmother hated him for years for doing that.” She smiles as my dad kisses her cheek.

“I asked you to marry me when we said our vows,” my dad reminds her with a smile.

“Darling, my mom still hates you for not having the chance to plan the wedding.”

“She would have taken too long.”

“That’s true.” She smiles as my dad kisses her cheek. Watching them, I know I’m doing the right thing, that Fern is to me what my mom is to my dad. Holding her hand a little tighter, I lay my other hand over her stomach and will her to wake up.

Chapter 10



Hearing my name and feeling fingers run through my hair, my head lifts and my gaze meets the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

“Hey, baby.” I sit up and press the call button near her hip so the doctor will come. “Stay down,” I tell her, placing my hand against her chest when she begins to sit up.

“What happened?”

“You’re at the hospit—”

“My grandmother,” she whimpers, and tears begin to fill her eyes.

Sitting down on the side of the bed, I hold her face between my hands. “Shhh, she will never touch you again.”

“She injected me with something an—”

“You’re safe,” I cut her off. I don’t want her to think about any of that right now. Not when my child—our child—is growing inside of her. “How about you try and drink some water?”

“Where is she?” she asks, placing her hands over mine and taking a sip from the plastic cup I hold in front of her.

“My guys are looking for her,” I assure her, running my hand over her hair.

“We’re happy to see you’re awake,” the doctor says, coming into the room and turning off the alarm on the side of the bed. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”

“How long was I asleep?” she asks, pulling her eyes from the doctor to look at me.

“About sixteen hours.”

“Sixteen hours,” she repeats as her face loses color.

“The good news is you’re free to go home as soon as you’re up and out of bed.”

“Are you sure that’s safe?” I ask, frowning at the doctor. “Maybe we should get a second opinion.”

“I have been the head doctor at this hospital for the last ten years. I am the second opinion.”

“Then I want a third opinion.”

“Carter, it’s okay. I’m fine.” Fern’s quiet voice cuts me off before I can say anything else.

“You’re not fine!” I snarl then gentle my tone and repeat, “You’re not fine.”

“I just want to go home,” she whispers, and tears fill her eyes, making me feel torn between forcing her to stay here and giving her what she wants.

“If something happens to her once we leave, I’m holding you responsible,” I say, turning towards the doctor, watching his chest puff out and his nostrils flare. We stare at each other for a few seconds before he finally takes his eyes off me and looks at Fern.

“I’ll send in a nurse,” he says before leaving me glaring after him.

“I’m okay,” Fern says softly from behind me, and I turn my glare on her.

“Stop saying you’re okay,” I roar, watching her jump. “Fuck.” I run my hand through my hair in frustration.

“The doctor said you were up. Let me help you to the bathroom, and then you’re free to go home,” a nurse says, walking into the room before I can apologize, and swiftly moves to Fern’s side, where she unhooks the small alarm on Fern’s finger and helps her stand from the bed.

Watching her go into the bathroom, I pull in a breath. My worry for her is making me irrational, and she doesn’t need that right now. She doesn’t even know she’s pregnant. Shaking my head, I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and send a text to Max, telling him to meet us downstairs in fifteen. When Fern comes out of the restroom with the nurse, I feel my hackles rise as the nurse asks her something quietly, and Fern’s face turns a deep shade of red as she nods.

“As I just told your girlfriend, the doctor says you’re free to go, but to make sure you aren’t doing anything too exerting during sex for at least a few weeks.”

“You don’t think I fucking know that?” I growl, ripping my hand through my hair, watching the nurse shrug and Fern shoulders slump forward in embarrassment. “If you’re done, I’d like to get my fiancée home, where she can rest,” I tell the woman, who presses her lips together in annoyance then moves to the door, closing it behind her.

“Come on, beautiful. Let’s get you changed,” I prompt Fern, who looks from the closed door back to me then raises her hand and frowns when she notices the ring on her finger.


“We’ll talk about it when we get home,” I say, moving to where she’s standing, taking her hand in mine and pulling her towards the bed.

“This looks like an engagement ring.”

“It is,” I agree, helping her sit then untie the flimsy gown she has on, setting the bag from the floor onto the bed and pulling out a shirt and sweats.

“You told that nurse I was your fiancée.”

“You are,” I state, getting down on my knees in front of her and placing a kiss on her abdomen then slipping her feet through the legs of the sweats. I help her stand, pulling them up her thighs and over her ass.

“Carter,” she whispers, and my eyes meet hers once I have her shirt pulled down over her stomach.

“When we get home, we’ll talk, Fern.”

“Okay, when we get home,” she agrees, and I lift the bag to my shoulder and pick her up with an arm under her knees and one behind her back as her hands wrap around my neck. I then carry her from the room, glaring at anyone who even looks our way.

Once we reach the front entrance, I see Max standing next to the SUVs with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at a cop who is ripping o

ff a ticket while muttering under his breath. Ignoring their exchange, I get Fern into the back seat and buckle her in then walk around to the driver’s side door, gaining a strange look from Max, which I ignore as he gets into the passenger seat. There is no way I will trust anyone with Fern now, and I don’t give a fuck if I’m acting irrational.

Pulling up in front of our building, I get out and go around the back, telling Max to stand back while I help Fern out of the SUV. I adjust her in my arms so I can carry her inside, receiving a few looks from people as we pass them on the way to the elevator. Once we reach the condo, I don’t set her down until we’re in the room then I help her out of the clothes I just put on her. I take off my own before going to the shower and holding her against me as we get in under the warm water.

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