Page 89 of Bite of Pain

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“Rentzaq! Wait!” She rushed into the hallway.

The huge Kall turned to greet her, though there was a hesitance to his demeanor, as though he didn’t really wish to speak with her. Probably because he knew she was about to make a request he couldn’t grant.

“How may I assist you, Mistress Fiona?” He inclined his head slightly.

“You can get the television, video comms, and other communication devices in the house working again.” She kept her chin held high and tried to evoke the haughty tone Merokk often used on the servants, though she instantly felt guilty for it. She considered most of the servants, including the security officers who often thwarted her freedoms in Merokk’s absence, to be her friends.

“At your husband’s request, all news and comm devices in the house have been temporarily disabled.” Rentzaq gave her a regretful look. “Apologies, but I cannot turn the devices back on until Ambassador Merokk gives the order. Forgive me for being so bold, but I believe he wants to keep you from worrying.”

Fiona crossed her arms over her chest, her fury rising. But she wasn’t mad at the Head of Security. She was outraged by her husband’s actions. She wanted to know what was going on, and surely if there was to be a battle between Kall warriors and human rebels, the news would be quick to report it.

“I would like to know what’s happening in real time, Rentzaq. I don’t want to hear about it later.” She cleared her throat. “Do you know why Merokk and other warriors were called to the military base in Virginia? Please, if you know anything, please just tell me. I appreciate that Merokk is attempting to keep me from worrying, but cutting off all knowledge of the outside world, even temporarily, is only going to cause my worry to deepen.”

Another regretful look passed over Rentzaq’s features. To her dismay, he shook his head in a very human gesture. “I’m not certain what is happening at the military base. However, even if I knew, I wouldn’t be able to tell you.”

Frustration burned through Fiona. For the briefest moment, she considered picking up the blue vase that rested on a nearby table and hurling it into the wall. But no. That wouldn’t solve anything, and then she would just be creating more work for the servants. Even if she tried to clean up the mess, they’d gently push her aside and insist on doing it themselves.

With a deep sigh, she turned away from Rentzaq. She didn’t offer a reply to his refusal, not trusting herself to remain civil. Sometimes Rentzaq’s complete loyalty to Merokk made her want to scream. On more than one occasion, the security chief had reported her misbehaviors to her husband. For example, the few times she’d left the house without an escort. Ass kissing tattletale.

She clenched her jaw and made her way to the second floor, where her mother’s room was located. Padding down the hallway, she paused at Janie’s door.

A nurse sat on a chair in the hallway, a book in her lap. The young human woman, a recent hire named Leticia, looked up and smiled at Fiona.

“Good evening, Leticia. How’s my mother this evening? Did she have any trouble going to sleep?”

“She seems to be doing well tonight,” the nurse whispered with a glance at the video monitor next to the closed door. “She took her meds without a fuss, and she fell asleep quickly.”

Fiona nodded and peered at the screen. Though she couldn’t help but worry for Merokk, watching her mother slumber peacefully brought her a sense of calm.

After the start of the war, she’d been unable to procure the medication her mother desperately needed, and the older woman had suffered from delusions that used to leave her confused and even screaming at times. Fiona used to live in fear that a bloodthirsty Kall warrior would mistake Janie’s unusual and sometimes violent behavior as a threat. She’d been terrified her mother would be killed by a refugee camp guard during one of her outbursts.

That was why she’d married Merokk in the first place. To guarantee her mother’s safety.

“Thanks for all your help, Leticia. My mother really likes you. When she has trouble remembering your name, she calls you ‘the sweet purple-haired girl.’”

Leticia laughed and touched her bright purple locks. “Yes, I know. I was thinking about going green or maybe even blue the next time I get my hair done, but I think for now I’ll stick with purple. Your mother is a lovely woman and a joy to be around, and I wouldn’t want to confuse her.”

Fiona gave the nurse another warm smile and placed a hand upon her shoulder. “Whatever Merokk’s paying you, I’m going to have him double it.”

Leticia’s eyes practically bugged out of her head. “I—you shouldn’t—I mean…” Her voice trailed off and she took a few deep breaths before finally collecting herself enough to form a proper sentence. “What I mean is, this the best paying job I’ve ever had, and I really appreciate your offer, but I wouldn’t want to upset Ambassador Merokk.” She paled and cast a furtive glance down the hallway, as though to make sure no one would overhear her next words, which she uttered in a barely audible whisper. “I mean no offense, but he’s kind of intimidating.”

“No offense taken,” Fiona was quick to assure her, “but I promise you don’t have to worry about my husband. He will be happy to double your salary once I finish singing your praises to him. My mother’s had less outbursts since your arrival, and I’m sure he’s noticed it too. You have a special way of talking her down when she’s experiencing a delusion.”

Tears brimmed in Leticia’s eyes, and she blinked rapidly. “Wow, I’m not sure what to say. With that sort of income boost, I’ll be able to pay for my younger brother’s schooling.” She rose to her feet and enveloped Fiona in a tight hug. “Thank you.”

Fiona hugged the young woman back. When they finally pulled apart, she found herself blinking back tears as well. They chatted for a few more minutes before Fiona made her way to her bedroom on the third floor.

Movement by the door nearly startled a scream from her, and she spun around to find Chrisna making frantic hand signals for Fiona to keep quiet. Chrisna, a young Kall woman, was a valued servant in the household. She also happened to be Rentzaq’s wife.

Fiona finished closing the door and spun to face Chrisna. “What is it?”

Chrisna held up an old, battered tablet. Where she’d gotten it, Fiona hadn’t a clue, but it appeared to be human technology rather than Kall. Chrisna pressed a button on the tablet, and it flickered to life, immediately displaying a selection of news channels.

“I overheard your conversation with Rentzaq, and then I remembered I’d come across this tablet in storage a few moon cycles ago. It still works. I realize your husband doesn’t want you to know what’s going on, but if I were in your place, I’d be going crazy with worry. If you really want to know, you can take a look.”

Fiona drew Chrisna deeper into the room and they sat on a sofa near the window. She accepted the tablet and peered at the list of live video feeds. Nearly all of them showed scenes of battle. Her stomach bottomed out.

“Thank you, Chrisna.” She forced back the tears that wanted to stream down her face, then she picked one of the channels at random and watched the horror unfold.
