Page 58 of Bite of Pain

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“Behave yourself, Aleksandra. It will be easier for you.” I released her chin and went about putting her suitcases in the car. She never even looked back at me through the side mirrors. Good. Maybe she’d smartened up.

I gave her too much credit.

As soon as I opened the trunk, her door flew open, and she jumped out. The streets were nearly empty at this time of night. Did she think she’d just blend in with a crowd?

I grabbed my kit from the trunk after tossing in her bags. She had a good thirty-second start on me, but she wasn’t getting away. I unzipped the black pouch and got the cloth ready, checking on her progress. She had more speed than I thought she would.

But I’m faster.

I tossed the kit back in the trunk, then turned my sights on her, taking off in a run.

I gained on her just as she reached an alley. She shouldn’t have looked over her shoulder. The second she did, she stumbled on her own feet. She regained her footing and took off again, but it was too late. It was exactly the precious seconds I needed to catch up to her.

“No!” She yelled.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, hauling her off the ground and carrying her into the alley in the same movement. Damn, the girl could wiggle.

Not enough, though.

“I did warn you.” I pressed her against the brick building, sandwiching her between me and the wall as I wrapped my hand around her head, covering her mouth and nose with the cloth.

She screamed, but the thick cotton muffled the sound. Besides, it was good for her to make as much noise as she wanted. It would make her breathe heavier, and the medicine would work faster.

It only took a few moments, then she went slack. I lifted her into my arms, carrying her back to my car. A man walking his dog passed me, but when he met my gaze, he went back to his own business.

Once at my car, I pulled her door open and gently settled her in the passenger seat. Since she’d be asleep for the rest of the way, I didn’t feel any need to carry out my threat about the trunk.

With the trunk closed and my passenger sleeping soundly beside me, I turned the car on and pulled away from her building.

She had no idea how much trouble she was in.

And not just with Henry.

Chapter 5


I woke up to the smell of sugar cookies. Slowly, I opened my eyes and grimaced as the light from the window hit my face. Another sniff and my stomach rolled. Not sugar cookies. Had I dreamt that?

Pushing myself up on the bed, I rubbed my temples. Whatever he’d used to knock me out at least didn’t leave my head in a complete fog.

The door to the small bedroom opened and Dimitri stood in the doorway, blocking out the light from the hallway behind him. I tilted my head to the side, trying to get a clearer view of his face.

Yeah, the same annoyed look as before.

“You need to drink this.” He brought a glass of water to the table beside the bed.

I laughed.

“I’m not drinking anything you give me.” I shook my head. He must have thought I was the stupidest woman in the world. He’d already proven he wasn’t opposed to drugging me.

He stood over me, hands on his hips. It was maybe six feet from the bed to the door. I kept my head down, counting in my head. Ten, nine, eight…

“It will help clear the drug from your system. I didn’t give you much, but it could make your stomach woozy for a while. Drink the water.” He nudged my foot with his boot.

Seven, six, five…
