Page 40 of Bite of Pain

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She drew in a breath. “That’s a relief.” She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment and then released it to ask him more questions. “Do you think I would have been like this if I hadn’t been abducted? Am I broken?”

He inhaled slowly too. “It’s hard to say. I presume you probably had a submissive side, but I can’t know if it would have extended this deep. Like Dr. Langston has told you, the pain and impact are life-affirming for you. It’s just how you’re dealing with the aftermath of your captivity. You might not always need this sort of release. It’s impossible to predict.”

“It hurt so good,” she told him. It still hurt. She kind of didn’t want it to stop. “Thank you.” She lifted her arm from under the blanket and cupped his face. “I love you so much. Thank you for giving me this experience. I know it was hard for you. I know you were nervous.”

“You’re welcome, baby. It will always be my pleasure to dominate you any way you need. As long as you remember to use your safeword if something ever feels off, I’ll be honored to take you to the moon and back.”

“I promise.” She understood how important the safeword was now. Especially after that intense scene. She held his gaze to reassure him. “Can you do that at home?”

“I can.” He leaned forward to kiss her lips. “You do not have permission to start badgering me to cane your ass every day, my insatiable pain slut. I meant what I said. The skin has to heal several days. A scene this intense should be done sparingly. Did you not like doing it at the club? Or maybe you’d rather not have an audience?” His brow was furrowed.

She shook her head. “I didn’t mind the club. I probably don’t mind the audience either. Your friends didn’t bother me. I forgot anyone was even in the room besides you and me. But I’d love for you to paddle and crop and cane me totally naked.”

“Mmm. We’ll do it at home next time then.” He kissed her nose now. “Your aversion to clothes is sexy as fuck, but my aversion to sharing your fucking sexy body reaches caveman proportions.”

She giggled. “Have you always been this possessive with all the women you’ve dated?”

“Never. I told you I’ve dominated many women here at Roses and Thorns. A lot of times they were naked.”

“Why am I different then?” she asked.

“I wasn’t in love with them. They were not mine. Not my submissives. I wasn’t their Dom. I didn’t make nudity choices for them. I just gave them what they craved.” He kissed her lips gently. His voice was lower when he spoke against her mouth. “You’re mine. I’m not sharing you with anyone.”

“Okay,” she breathed. His possessiveness didn’t bother her at all. She loved it. He even added a growly caveman tone to his voice. “I promise to keep my clothes on in front of other people if you promise to bring me to that blissful spot in heaven naked at home.”

“It would be my pleasure.” He rose to his feet, holding her against his chest.

“Where are we going?” she asked, holding on to his neck.

“To the locker room so I can inspect your adorable ass and let you see it. After that, we’re going home where I can inspect it again, bathe you, and rub that ointment on you. I wasn’t kidding about any of that. Afterward, you may sleep as naked as you want in our bed in our home.”

She smiled as he headed for the locker room.

Our bed. Our home.

Most days it was hard to believe he was real. Impossible to grasp that she was not only free but with Damon Albertini, the man she’d lusted after for a year before her abduction.

Her heart was filled with love.

Chapter 5


“Mmm.” Gemma’s body was so sated she couldn’t move a single muscle.

By the time Damon got her home, bathed her, patted her dry, and lowered her onto her stomach on the bed, she hadn’t had a single ounce of energy left. And he’d done most of the work.

The skin of her ass was still hot and the nerves on fire, but the ointment he was carefully rubbing into her skin felt amazing.

She’d been surprised when he’d stood her in front of the mirror in the locker room to prove to her not a single millimeter of her skin was cut. She wouldn’t have believed him if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes.

“Spread your legs, baby,” Damon ordered as he continued to rub her bottom.

She used the last ounce of strength she could conjure to obey his request. “I’m gonna need a few minutes if you want to have sex. I’m a liquid.”

He chuckled. “We’re not having sex, baby. I prefer you be awake when we fuck.”

She twisted her head to look at him.
