Page 143 of Bite of Pain

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A quivering moan spilled off Julianna’s lips as a tremor quaked her body. Inwardly smiling, I released her hair and eased back. I took my time rolling up my sleeves, purposely driving her anticipation—and mine—higher. It was then I noticed the dungeon had turned eerily quiet. Skimming a glance at the other stations, they were all abnormally empty. Then again, I’d never punished Julianna in public before.

A quick dart over my shoulder confirmed my suspicions. All the members were gathered at the bar, or sitting at the numerous tables in the center of the room, watching and waiting for me to mark the pristine white canvas of Julianna’s ass.

Stepping in beside her, I squeezed my thumb and finger against her jaw, and forced her gaze. “There’ll be no warmup, pet. You haven’t earned it.”

Julianna blanched and swallowed tightly.

“Are you ready, love?” I asked, skimming a knuckle down her cheek.

“I-I think so, Master.”

Her uncertain stammer, and the anxiety shimmering in her green eyes, went straight to my cock. Every cell in my body screamed to unzip and drive balls deep into her hot, tight cunt.

Pain before pleasure, I inwardly reminded myself.

“Who am I, girl?”

“My Master,” she whispered in a shaky voice.

Sinking my fist into her hair again, I tugged her head back and aligned her lips beneath mine.

“I’m far more than your Master, precious. I’m your salvation. The one who makes your dirty dreams come true. The one who treasures you above all else. The one who pushes your limits. The one who drives your cries of pleasure. The one who sips your tears and savors your screams of pain. Scream for me, sweet slut. Scream loud and hard,” I commanded, before pressing a punishing kiss to her lips.

* * *

Chapter 4


Prickles of painful pleasure skittered over my scalp and gathered at my clit. Mika dipped his chin and claimed my mouth with a kiss so raw and brutal a carnal hum reverberated through my body, shoving all fears of him not warming me up away. My pussy wept and clutched the emptiness inside me while my nipples throbbed in time with my swelling clit.

It felt like forever since he’d flexed his Dominant muscles and reacquainted me with my submission. It wasn’t his fault. Keeping a club like Genesis running took as much of his time as kids, laundry, groceries, and bills did mine. Still, I’d rather he punished me at home, alone in our bed. But as my gorgeous Master loved to remind me: Submission isn’t about getting what you want, sweet slut. It’s about getting what you need.

It was too late to tell him what I needed—more than a red ass—was a few hours on my knees, worshiping his cock, followed by an all-night orgasm-fest. But I suspected Mika already knew that. Since day one, he’d been able to read me like a damn book.

He tore from my mouth with a low growl, leaving me drunk and dizzy. Flashing an evil smile, his amber eyes sparkled in delight as he flicked his wrist, unfurling the whip with a deafening snap.

Goosebumps peppered my arms.

“In case you don’t remember, your safeword is mercy. Use it if you need to,” he said before stepping behind me.

A foreboding chill slid down my spine.

After our son, Tristan, was born, I’d rescinded my safeword as an anniversary present to Mika. It wasn’t a big gift, considering I’d never had to use the word. But handing it over to him had been a mammoth declaration of trust. I’d willingly ripped away my safety net, granting him carte blanche to do any and every thing he wanted during a scene.

I knew in my heart Mika wouldn’t punish me beyond what I could mentally or physically handle. Still, the fact he’d given me back my safeword terrified me.

Anxiety spiked, and anticipation pinged.

When the crack of the whip split the air again, I sucked in a startled gasp. Then I squeezed my eyes shut, gripped the edge of the cross, and tensed for the first searing lash. But instead of igniting my ass in a streak of fire, Mika landed the popper—the tip—over my flesh with a gentle, breezy kiss.

The second caress surprised me.

The third confused me.

As the tension bled from my body, I struggled to come up with a reason why, after warning me there’d be no warmup—

The popper bit into my flesh, stealing all questions from my mind and sending a fiery blaze streaking down my legs and up my spine. With a wail, I tossed back my head and gripped the cross again. Clenching my teeth, I struggled to rise above the blistering sting rippling through me, but before I could climb the pain, Mika landed another brutal lash.
