Page 44 of More Than Enough

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Looking at her reflection in the mirror, and covering her belly with her hands, she thought for a minute, then sighed deeply. “Okay, baby. Let’s do this.”

Before she lost her nerve, Elizabeth picked up her phone, scrolled through her contacts and found Brady’s number—still there.

Elizabeth started a text. Didn’t like it. Deleted it. Started over. She did this a few times before she talked herself into keeping it simple:

Brady—this is so random—I was wondering if you would be able to meet. There’s something we need to talk about. Elizabeth.

She quickly hit send and stared at her phone like it would instantly answer her.It’s five o’clock in the morning, Elizabeth. Get a life! Most sane people are still asleep!Instead of waiting by her phone, she decided to go out for a morning walk and clear her head.

It was a beautiful morning for a walk. The humidity of the day had yet to show its hot and sticky face, and Elizabeth felt better after a short walk around the block. She enjoyed watching the neighborhood come to life. Being as early in the morning as it was, it was still rather quiet. Most people were still enjoying their last little bit of sleep except for those who leave for work at the crack of dawn, or need to let their dogs out to run in the yards

Elizabeth waved to her neighbors. Some she has known for a long time, others she just knows their faces. A couple houses down, she said good morning to Mrs. Lynch, a retired schoolteacher. Elizabeth never had her but knew her. She was a sweet lady. She lost her husband a few years back and now it’s just her and her dog Muffy. Elizabeth stopped and gave Muffy a pet. She’s a little Corgi with adorable tiny legs. Elizabeth then smiled at Mrs. Lynch and told her good morning.

Rounding the corner, she was passing Jacob’s house and came face to face with Jacob and Kristen as they said their goodbyes in the driveway, locked in a passionate kiss. They were getting ready to get into their own cars and head out to their jobs. Kristen, making eye contact with Elizabeth, pulled Jacob back in and gave him another long, sensual kiss for Elizabeth’s benefit, she was sure.

Jacob climbed into his car and caught sight of Elizabeth as he pulled out of the driveway. They locked their eyes for a split second. Elizabeth had no clue what she saw there in his eyes, but it seemed like more than a casual glance. Finally, she was heading up the walk to the porch where her mother sat on the porch swing enjoying her morning cup of coffee.

“Good morning, sunshine!” Her mother sang as her daughter came into sight. “You just missed your dad. He’s hoping we can have dinner together tonight when he gets home. We both feel like we haven’t seen you much lately.”

Elizabeth sat down on the rocking chair across from her mom, leaned her head back and rocked a bit before she said anything.

“I would love that, Mom.” She paused, staring off at nothing, then continued becoming thoughtful. “Mom, I’ve been thinking. I decided to contact the guy I think is the baby’s father, Brady, so I sent him a text this morning.”

She stopped rocking and looked at her mother. “I really felt I needed to do this. I don’t expect anything from him. But I do think he deserves to know.”

Her mother looked at her and smiled. “I think that is a good idea. He does deserve to know.” Mrs. Parks leaned over to grab her daughter’s hand. “I’m proud of you. I’m sure that wasn’t an easy decision.” She smiled a warm, pleased smile.

“Thanks, Mom. I’m hungry. I’m gonna go in and grab a bagel and a cup of coffee.” Elizabeth got up and gave her mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She stopped suddenly when she felt a quick and soft kick on her side.

Turning around to look at her mother, she exclaimed with excitement. “Mom! The baby just kicked me!” Elizabeth sat down next to her mom on the swing, grabbed her hand, and placed it on the spot she just felt the kick. The two women looked off in the distance concentrating, with their hands on Elizabeth’s belly waiting with anticipation.

Suddenly there was another little thump followed quickly by another. They both turned with huge smiles and their eyes wide with excitement. “Isn’t that amazing, Mom! I felt it for the first time last night when I was sitting in the sunroom having a cup of tea. Our baby is kicking me.” Elizabeth’s excitement bubbled over like a bottle of champagne exploding.

“That is the most amazing feeling. My baby’s gonna have a baby and is making me a grandma.” Still smiling, mother and daughter went inside to grab a bite to eat together.

Elizabeth reached for the door of the boutique, but Jessica beat her to it and invited her into the store while bombarding her with accusations. “Elizabeth, what the heck! You’ve been ignoring my texts all morning. What’s going on with you? Where have you been?”

Elizabeth glanced at her friend like she was crazy, walked to the backroom of the store to put her purse in the storage locker. Still ignoring Jessica’s questioning, she tapped in her employee number to sign into her shift. “Good morning, Mrs. Stanzel.” Elizabeth smiled at her boss. “Has she been this annoying all morning?” She looked at Jessica and blew her a loud kiss across the store.

“Well, she has been a bit impatient waiting for you to show up for work. Because of that, though, all the dusting and stocking is already completed. She’s been quite busy.” Mrs. Stanzel smiled at Jessica and gave Elizabeth a hug. “You are looking adorable today, Elizabeth. That’s a cute dress on you.”

“Thanks.” She hugged her boss back and got busy organizing some of the earrings and necklace racks at the front counter.

“Well, girls, since you’re both here, I’m gonna get some work done in the back and get out of here earlier than usual. Call me if you need me.”

Jessica nodded at her boss while walking to the counter. She pulled up a stool to sit on and one for Elizabeth. It was an amazingly nice summer day, so she figured it would probably be a little slower than normal the rest of the afternoon. Why not enjoy the lull in customers and find out where her friend has been all morning.

Jessica sat down on the stool and situated herself facing Elizabeth ready to hear all about why her friend has been ignoring her today.

Looking at Jessica, Elizabeth shook her head and chuckled. “You are being ridiculous! I spent my morning at the pregnancy center. We had a baby shower for one of the ladies who had her baby early. Then, I talked to someone I wasn’t planning on talking to.”

Jessica became curious about this. “Come on, who?”

Elizabeth ended up telling her about waking up this morning and the dream she had, or what she could remember about the dream. She ended her tale with the fact that she sent Brady a text telling him she wanted them to meet; she had something to talk with him about.

Surprised at this unexpected event, Jessica became filled with questions. “What made you do that? Have you heard from him yet?”

Looking off in the distance, Elizabeth answered her. “You and Trina badgering me for one, and you were both right. He needs to know about the baby. He won’t have to be part of our lives unless he wants to. I’m not gonna force him into anything, but I feel he needs to have that choice.”

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